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Norsca is a peninsula located to the north of the Old World, a harsh mountainous land surrounded by the sea. A land of cold and unforgiving winters and its dense forests are haunted by many dangerous beasts, notably Trolls and Giants. [8]

It is bordered in the south by the icy Sea of Claws, in the north the Kraken Sea and the Chaos Wastes, in the east the Frozen Sea and steppes of Kislev. In the west of the peninsula lies the Great Ocean.[8]


Around -1000 IC, the Norse Dwarfs began trading with the less violent Norse tribes, as they learn of the religious beliefs of the manlings, they restrict their commerce to a few trusted tribes. [4a]

The Norsii invaded the lands of the Cherusens and the Taleutens around -8 IC whose tribes looked to King Björn to aid them in the coming battles. [5a] An alliance of the three tribes defeated the Norsii, Björn killing their king before falling to his champions [5b] and then in the Spring, his heir Sigmar attacked and defeated them again, burning their fleet with fire arrows and catapults as it attempted to flee north. [5c] The few survivors gathered under Cormac Bloodaxe, the dead kings son. [5d]

In 3 IC Cormac Bloodaxe and Azazel led their wolfships to plunder the settlements of the Roppsmenn, capturing their leaders and women and demanding their warriors serve them for the forthcoming season to ensure their safety. Then they and the Norsii began raiding the Udose, [5e] killing Count Wolfila and his family and burning his castle, leaving the bodies of the family crucified on the remaining tower. [5e] He assembled a fleet of nearly 400 wolfships and gathered a great host of Chaos worshipping tribes. [5f]

Cormac Bloodaxe defeated Emperor Sigmar at the Battle of the Northern Ridge and forced the Emperor to retreat to Middenheim, hoping to draw the invaders to him and buy time for the other Counts to raise armies and march to his aid. [7a] Cormac Bloodaxe wanted to burn and loot his way through the rest of the new Empire which was far less defended but Kar Odacen demanded that he assault the stronghold to destroy Sigmar and he summoned a great horde of Beastmen to aid Cormac. [7b] In ensuring the Siege of Middenheim the northlanders were defeated.[7b]

Sigmar drove the Norsii away from his new Empire from its northern coasts. He pursued them all the way to their own lands and told them to remain there and trouble his people never again. Unfortunately this was taken as a challenge by the Norscans, as those who resist their raids are seen as worthy foes.[8]

Norscan raiders sacked Marienburg in 632 IC. [4a]

After Emperor Hasso of the Empire created a powerful navy, a treaty is signed in 765 IC where the Bjorning, Sarl and Skaeling tribes agree to cease raiding. [4a]

In 888 IC, Losteriksson of the Bjornlings landed on Lustria. [4a] He createed a new colony which he names Skeggi in honour of his daughter, the first child to be born in the new land. [6a]

Raiding the Wasteland by the Norse resumed in 1109 IC and Marienburg was occupied by the Skaelings under Snorri Half-hand. They abandoned the city in 1111 IC when the Black Plague began. [4a]

Marienburg was sacked again in 1850 IC. [4a]

As the Great War against Chaos began in 2302 IC, A Norse fleet was defeated by a fleet from Kraka Ravnsvake at the Battle of Skapa Fjord. Shortly after, Valmir Aesling attacked Kraka Drak with a mighty host, beginning the War in the Mountains. [4a]

The Aeslings captured Kraka Drak in 2390 IC. [4a]

In 2502 IC the Norse raiders invaded Nordland and one of the first actions of newly-elected Emperor Karl Franz was to ride north to reinforce Elector Count Theoderic Gausser. The Norse were defeated with gunpowder and magics of the Celestial Order. [9a][9b]

End Times


Inhospitable Norsca

This savage land breeds hard men and the Norse are fierce and hardy barbarians and adventurers.[8] They have a fair skin and most have red or blond hair. Clad in fur and warlike, they are considered Chaos Marauders. However they are relatively far from the Chaos Wastes and the least favoured by the Chaos Gods.

Many Norscans are touched by Mutations and often display animalistic features or even shapeshifting.[8]

Most Norse live as pirates and yearly raid the shores of the softer southern lands. Their longships are a dreaded sight on the coasts of The Empire, Kislev, and Bretonnia. Many Old World nations maintain coastal garrisons to protect their people. They also raid the shores of Ulthuan and Albion.[7b][8]

But not all are just raiders. Being also great explorers, others take long journeys far away from their cold lands and establish colonies in more habitable lands. In Lustria they loot the ruins and temple cites of the Lizardmen. Here they have established the colony of Skeggi. Other known colonies are Manannheim in Nordland, Skajadholm in Bretonnia and Erengrad in Kislev. [7b][8]

While the most common view of the Norse is as pirating reavers and pillaging marauders, looting and destroying everything they reach, not all Norsemen are bent on rapine and slaughter. Many deal with their neighbours honestly and fairly. Part of this "civilised" behaviour stems from Marienburg's efforts to establish mercantile inroads to the frigid lands of Norsca to increase their trading influence. Marienburgers hope to cultivate a buffer state against the Kurgan tribes and the more savage Norsemen.[1a][8]

Some Norse emigrate into the Old World, usually working as mercenaries and bodyguards. Most, if not all, find their first steps in the Old World to be in the city port of Marienburg.

As a result of this new era of prosperity the Norse have slowly returned to the ports of the Old World, signing on as mercenaries or even as merchants, selling whale oil, ivory and lumber among other goods.


There are no major cities in Norsca and there is no single ruler. Instead the Norse are divided in a variety of tribes, these larger tribes are further divided into the Southern and Northern.[8]

The Northern tribes include:

The tribes of north are closest of the Norse to the dread Chaos Wastes and the roving Kurgan tribes of the steppe, hence they are the most warlike of the northmen, for they are forever tainted by the shadow of the Realm of Chaos. Mutation is common among these tribes and they are often at the forefront of incursions, driving the way for the Kurgan tribes, willingly or not. They are a brutal and bloodthirsty lot. Merciless, they kill for the love of killing.[1b][8]

The Southern tribes include:

The southern tribes are somewhat milder than their northern counterparts. While they raid and plunder like the rest of their kin, it is from these tribes that the new efforts for peaceful communications originate. They raid when necessary for survival, but are more interested in acts of heroism and adventure over the carnal slaughter embraced by their savage kin. More civilised as they may be, they still fight with rival tribes. In fact, the Bjornlings are fierce rivals of the Graelings, and the Sarls regularly fight the Aeslings and the Baersonlings.[1b]

That said, during the Chaos Incursions, these southern Norse banded together to wage war against the Empire as it was demanded by their Gods. Refusing the call of battle is grounds for annihilation.

The lesser tribes of the Norse are gatherings of people that share common ties, be it familial, martial or religious.

Currently there are three know smaller tribes:

Distant Tribes
Long ago many Norscans set sail to the mysterious jungles of Lustria, seeking to pillage and plunder their temples, some stayed and founded the great settlement of Skeggi and thus the great Skeggi tribe was formed.


Nose religion is dynamic and complex, featuring a very broad pantheon. Norse venerate mainly the |Dark Gods using bloody sacrifices, animal or human. These Dark Gods include Chaos Gods Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. Yet they also worship the old gods of men. [8]

The Norse have many names for these gods, but also worship other beings (many seem to be either Daemon or Daemon Princes) and spirits of ancestors and heroes. There also seems to be other Gods, which might be Gods that are not related to Chaos. Even the gods of the Old World are being venerated by the Norsemen, further broadening their already impressive pantheon and causing no small theological headache to the civilised people of the south.

Main themes for Norse pantheon include: War, Desire, Decay, and Hope. Their pantheon rarely features just a single God per theme, rather they may have several.

Norse society doesn't have official priests and their holymen are called usually Vitki, Seer or Shaman. Sometimes Chaos Sorcerers also take this role. Norse may use different names for their holy men, like "Bloodfather"...etc. Among them these holy men are viewed with fear and they are basically untouchable, because Norse fear the wrath of Gods.

An important distinction is to be made of the Vitki and the terrifying Chaos Sorcerers: Admittedly most Norseman spellcasters are Sorcerers, Witches and Warlocks. All of these mystics draw their power from the Winds of Chaos, but in a more condensed form because of the relative closeness of the polar rift, they channel Dhar to suit their needs.

In addition to this there is an older tradition, that places emphasis on divination, healing and prophecy. Whilst being often included in the pantheon of corrupt Daemonologies, the Vitki are not blatant servants of the Ruinous Powers, as the Chaos Sorcerers are wont to, instead working their magic to aid their people.

  • The Skaeling tribe worships a God named Mermedus (believed to be a dark reflection of Manann, himself already a fickle and irritable deity), who dwells beneath the Sea of Claws.

Norse Army

  • Berserkers - warriors who are able to enter a state of ferocious battle rage becoming very dangerous opponents, immune to fear or terrors of battle. Berserkers also hate Giants.[3]
  • Norsca Fleet


Norse Dwarfs

The Norse Dwarfs are related to the Dwarfs of the southern strongholds. The separation over the years has led to the development of cultural differences. The Norse Dwarf have taken on some more wild characteristics compared to the mainstream of Dwarf society. In many ways they resemble the Norsemen in expression, arts, and temperament.[2a]




Units Berserker - Bondi - Bondsdwarf - Bondsmen Archer - Huscarl - Norse Archer - Norse Bolt Thrower - Norse Dwarf - Norse Dwarf Crossbow - Norse Dwarf Berserker - Norse Dwarf Giant Slayer - Norse Dwarf Troll Slayer - Norse Lord - Norse Magician - Norse Slinger - Norse Standard Bearer - Norse War Mammoth - Norse Warrior - Thrall - Ulfwerenar
Characters Adella‎‎ - Aygar Mistletaine - Bayl - Beorg Bearstruck - Bjorn Irongrim - Bransùil - Cormac Bloodaxe - Cyspeth - Dónalegur - Egil Styrbjorn - Erik Redaxe - Erik the Lost - Frydaal - Gaerkkoll - Haargroth - Juggo Joriksonn - Kar Odacen - Karl Ustracutter - Keorl Thunderhand - Khagul Bloodfist - Kjell Red Fist - Lars Mortensen - Losteriksson - Magnus the Mad - Melekh - Morkar - Olaf Wolfhound - Ravenswyrd - Ryðklumpur - Soren Hoarder‎ - Stürmjarl - Styrkaar - Tuula Bloodhair - Ulfric Grondal - Valgar - Vandred - Wulfrik
Tribes and Warbands Aesling - Bjornling - Iron Wolves - Sarl - Skaelings - Skeggi - Snaegr - Sortsvinaer
Images - Magic Items - Miniatures - Vehicles