Huatl is a Temple-City of the Lizardmen lcoated in the East of Lustria near what is now the Vampire Coast. [1a]
The city was laid out according to important solar alignments. [1b]
Following the collapse of the Warp Gates, the entire population was slain by Daemons [2a] after Kairos Fateweaver opens a warp rift in the heart of the city, allowing Flesh Hounds to tear apart the Slann. [4a]
In 901 IC the Xaki Star is swallowed by the Chaos Moon and so Mage Priests from Xlanhuapec refound the city. [3b]
In 1847 IC a Bretonnian expedition led by the son of the Duke of L'Anguille raids the city, taking many sacred artefacts. [2a]
The city was refounded on the order of the rulers of Xlanhuapec [5a] with hundreds of Kroxigor working to rebuild it, the Great Temple being first to be finished and a Mage Priest once again took up occupation. [3a]
- 1: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (5th Edition)
- 2: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (6th Edition)
- 2a: Time Line of Lustria, pg. 8
- 3: Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (8th Edition)
- 4: Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos (7th Edition)
- 4a: The Coming of Chaos, pg. 14-15
- 5: WFRP Lustria
- 5a: Temple-Cities and Tlaxtlan, pg. 97