Cavaroc, the Skymark Reaches, is a High Realm of Athel Loren, ruled by Lord Edrael.
It is the land of the meadow glades, the sparsely-wooded grassland plains that lie on Athel Loren's south border.The Asrai of Cavaroc are horsemasters as fine as any in the world, and the first to march when the war-horns are sounded. They are swift to act, and swift to anger as well.If ever the Asrai of Athel Loren overreach themselves in some matter of war, it is all but a certainty that the riders of the Skymark Reaches will be found at the head of that mad charge.[1]
It is little wonder that the Asrai of Cavaroc are more brash than others in Athel Loren, for their plains are always the first lands assailed by greedy Bretonnian dukes that seek to expand their territory into elven lands.In the past they have countered this threat by terrifying the humans into submission but have since turned to the subtler means of substituting many of the Damsels of Quenelles with shapeshifting forest spirits who then sabotaging the Duke's plans from within.[1]
- Halls of Equos
- Tal Amara
- Meadow Glades
- Inverin Mountains(west)