Thanks to the support of Thailand, the International consultative workshop on conservation and management of the World Heritage of religious interest, focused on Asia-Pacific (2017), will be held in Bangkok and Nakhon Phnom Province of Thailand from 17 to 19 May 2017.
The three-day workshop is organized by the Thai National Commission for UNESCO in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, the Thai Ministry of Culture, Nakhon Phnom Province of Thailand, and UNESCO Bangkok within the framework of the UNESCO Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest and in response to the World Heritage Committee Decision 5D adopted at its 40th session (Istanbul, 2016).
This workshop aims to discuss the linkages between the World Heritage Convention and the heritage of religious significance, the importance of spiritual values of the religious heritage, and the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders concerned.
The workshop will also discuss existing national or regional mechanisms and challenges for the effective protection and management of heritage of religious interest. More importantly, it brings together a wide range of stakeholders involved in the preservation of heritage of religious interest from various countries in the Asia and the Pacific, as part of the creation and strengthening of the network in the region.
It contributes to the development, by the World Heritage Centre, in consultation with the Advisory Bodies, of the thematic paper proposing to States Parties general guidance regarding the management of their cultural and natural heritage of religious interest in compliance with the national specificities, as requested by the World Heritage Committee.
The World Heritage Committee,