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Alors on chante !

Apprenez le français en chantant

The Institut Français and the Centre national de la musique have teamed up to create and promote the ‘Alors on chante!’ programme, aimed at the French cultural network abroad.

The ‘Alors on chante!’ programme contains suggestions for raising awareness of Francophone music through the network, as well as teaching materials to support the use of music in francophone teaching abroad.

The latest resources from What The France
cover_alors_on_chante_C1 Vendredi sur mer | La femme à la peau bleue In “La Femme à la Peau Bleue”, Vendredi sur Mer reflects on nostalgia and the longing for a past love while navigating the path to ... Dilemme_LousandtheYakuza_cover Lous and The Yakuza | Dilemme In “Dilemme”, Lous and The Yakuza explores the inner struggle between ambition and personal pain. She highlights resilience and ... cover_alors_on_chante Tayc | Le temps In “Le Temps”, Tayc explores the power of patience and letting go as essential steps toward healing. He reminds us that growth and ... Yamelaboheme_B1 Yamê | La bohème Yamê covers “La Bohème”, an emblematic song from the French musical repertoire, sung by Charles Aznavour in 1965. Aznavour recalls ... B2_Charlesaznemmenez-moi Charles Aznavour | Emmenez-moi In “Emmenez-moi”, Charles Aznavour talks about his desire to travel to sunny countries to escape his monotonous everyday life. cover_alors_on_chante – Kid Eddy de pretto Eddy de Pretto | Kid In “Kid,” Eddy de Pretto questions masculinity and hyper-masculinity, which were part of his upbringing. cover_alors_on_chante – Dabali Vianney Vianney | Dabali In “Dabali,” Vianney pays tribute to the Afar tribe. It was during a trip to northeastern Ethiopia in Africa that Vianney was ... cover_alors_on_chante – Michèle Bernard Michèle Bernard | Monsieur Je m’en fous In “Monsieur Je m’en fous,” Michèle Bernard employs irony to denounce the indifference of those who waste water for their own ... cover_alors_on_chante – IZIA mon coeur Izia | Mon Coeur In “Mon coeur,” Izia recounts the pain she felt from not being able to perform on stage during the Covid period. cover_alors_on_chante – Soprano le coach Soprano | Le coach In “Le Coach,” Soprano talks about the necessity of motivating oneself physically and mentally in order to rise from one’s ... cover_alors_on_chante Zaho de Sagazan | La symphonie des éclairs In “La symphonie des éclairs“, Zaho de Sagazan talks about her hypersensitivity in a lyrical and ethereal manner. cover_alors_on_chante – Louane Secret Louane | Secret In “Secret“, Louane confides in her daughter about the fears and worries she feels about seeing her grow up. cover_alors_on_chante – Pierre de Maere Un jour je marierai Pierre de Maere | Un jour je marierai un ange In “Un jour je marierai un ange“, Pierre de Maere talks about his quest for an impossible love. cover ensemble aliocha_alors_on_chante Aliocha Schneider | Ensemble In “Ensemble“, Aliocha Schneider depicts with vulnerability the pain of being separated from the person you love. cover_alors_on_chante – Silvan Areg J’sais pas trop Silvàn Areg | J’sais pas trop In “J’sais pas trop“, Silvàn Areg talks to us about the pursuit of happiness and the need to remain optimistic despite the ... orelsan_B2 OrelSan | La Quête On ‘La Quête’, OrelSan looks back at his life so far and opens up about his personal growth, his relationship with his family, his social ... suzane_b1 Suzane | Quatre coins du globe The song ‘Quatre coins du globe’ describes the frustration that we feel when we log onto social media. On the track, Suzane explains the ... Yaniss_B2 Yaniss Odua & Dub Inc | Faut-il encore des preuves ? On the track ‘Faut-il encore des preuves ?’, Yaniss Odua teams up with Dub Inc, one of France’s most iconic reggae bands, to comment on the... tryo_A2 Tryo, avec Alain Souchon, Pierre Souchon et Ours | 2050-2100 XXV “2050-2100” is a song that takes us into the future to imagine the world of tomorrow. The text highlights the ecological message, and... cephaz_A2 Céphaz | On a mangé le soleil This song is an allegory sung against a happy background. However, the message is deeper and more serious, and needs to be taken out into the ... clara_A2 Clara Luciani | Les Fleurs ‘While writing this song, I had in mind a compliment in the movie ‘The Great Gatbsy’ comparing a person to a perfect rose. One ... maelle_A2 Maëlle | L’effet de masse On ‘l’Effet de masse’, Maëlle denounces and exposes the effects of bullying in school while examining individual responsibility. voyou_A2 Voyou | Le confort With “Le confort”, Voyou’s playful pop sounds tell the story of the end of a love affair, the passion that runs out of steam ... hoshi_b1 Hoshi | Enfants du danger Hoshi depicts a carefree, selfish, nonchalant generation that cares nothing for the planet and thinks only of its own good. yseult_B1 Yseult | Corps On the track ‘Corps’, Yseult expresses her desire to free herself from the judgement of others about her body and the colour of her... mc_solar MC Solaar | Hijo de Africa On ‘Hijo de Africa’, MC Solaar declares his love of the African continent and denounces its under-development, colonialism, and the ... bonentendeur_A1 Bon Entendeur | Monaco Monaco is the cover version of Jean François Maurice’s 1978 song “28° à l’ombre”, describing the world of two lovers ... feu_B1 Feu! Chatterton | Monde nouveau “Chatting with friends, we talked about issues like global warming, the over-exploitation of resources, the idea of always optimizing and ... soprano_A2 Soprano | À nos héros du quotidien Soprano’s track pays tribute to the people who work every day to make life more beautiful for others. yseult_A2 Gaël Faye | Lundi méchant This expression comes from Gaël Faye’s native village, and means a rebellious Monday that doesn’t conform to society’s ... gauvain_sers Gauvain Sers | Y’a plus de saisons With ‘Y’a plus de saisons’, Gauvain Sers sounds the alarm about the climate emergency facing the planet. KALUNE Kalune | Le mal de Terre Kalune’s slam “Le mal de Terre” is a bitter account of the tragic state of our planet. stromae_B2 Stromae | Santé With ‘Santé’, Stromae gives a vibrant toast to the working people who do the jobs that are often uncelebrated but keep our world ... angele_A1 Angèle | Bruxelles je t’aime Angèle shares her love for Brussels through her latest song ‘Bruxelles je t’aime’. The song depicts the singer’s ... grand_corps_C1 Grand Corps Malade | Pendant 24h ‘Pendant 24h’ is Grand Corps Malade‘s tribute to the struggles women face on a daily basis throughout their lives. boulevard_B1 Boulevard des Airs | Mamie ‘Mamie’ by Boulevard des Airs reflects the fleeting nature of life and the bonds we make with our family and those close to us. ... bigflo_b1 Big Flo & Oli | Dommage The song ‘Dommage’ is about four characters: Louis, a shy young man who doesn’t dare reveal that he loves a woman; Yasmine, a woman who ... luciani_A2 Clara Luciani | Le reste ‘Le reste’ is a song Clara Luciani wrote as a strong and modern woman who is not afraid to express her desires. The song is ... leonid_petite_soeur_B1 Leonid | P’tite sœur ‘P’tite soeur’ is an ode to fraternal and unconditional friendship, and a duet with the luminous Djazia Satour. arthurh_A2 Arthur H | La Boxeuse Amoureuse ‘La Boxeuse Amoureuse’ is inspired by the story of his mother Nicole Courtois, who has been a figure of resistance and freedom for ... gael_B2 Gaël Faye | Petit Pays In the song ‘Petit Pays’, Gael Faye employs Burundi to express both his love for his native land and his grief oat the political ... lomepal_B1 Lomepal | Trop beau ‘Trop beau’ is a nostalgic song about heartbreak and impossible love. In it, Lomepal reflects on toxic relationships that entrap ... fils_cara_B1 Fils Cara | Nanna ‘Nanna is the story of a cosmic meeting between two human beings who seem to be attracted to each other like a satellite and a planet. This... imperatrice_a2 L’Impératrice | Agitations Tropicales The second stage of L’Impératrice’s Odyssey, ‘Agitations Tropicales’ transports us further into the band’s ... juniore_A2 Juniore | Christine The ‘yéyé noir’ of Juniore has always been rooted in the cinematic as much as the musical. The Paris outfit feels as intertwined ... elisa_a1 Elisa Erka | Corps Météo ‘Corps Météo’ is a declaration of love between two people. The song is the second track of an EP that describes the evolution of a... ou_va_le_monde_B1 La Femme | Où va le monde ‘Où va le monde’ is a 60’s, surf-influenced track mixed with yéyé vocals and operatic backing vocals that recalls Ennio ... pascal_A2 Pascal Parisot | Mes parents sont bio ‘Mes parents sont bio’ is one of the 14 songs included in the book-disc “Les pieds dans le plat” which sketches the world of ... pomme_A1 Pomme | Les séquoias ‘Les séquoias’ is  described by Pomme as a “fuzzy song”. “The song was just talking about some vague thing, the more it went...


cover_alors_on_chante_C1 Vendredi sur mer | La femme à la peau bleue In “La Femme à la Peau Bleue”, Vendredi sur Mer reflects on nostalgia and the longing for a past love while navigating the path to ... cover_alors_on_chante Tayc | Le temps In “Le Temps”, Tayc explores the power of patience and letting go as essential steps toward healing. He reminds us that growth and ... cover_alors_on_chante – Pierre de Maere Un jour je marierai Pierre de Maere | Un jour je marierai un ange In “Un jour je marierai un ange“, Pierre de Maere talks about his quest for an impossible love. cover ensemble aliocha_alors_on_chante Aliocha Schneider | Ensemble In “Ensemble“, Aliocha Schneider depicts with vulnerability the pain of being separated from the person you love. clara_A2 Clara Luciani | Les Fleurs ‘While writing this song, I had in mind a compliment in the movie ‘The Great Gatbsy’ comparing a person to a perfect rose. One ... voyou_A2 Voyou | Le confort With “Le confort”, Voyou’s playful pop sounds tell the story of the end of a love affair, the passion that runs out of steam ... bonentendeur_A1 Bon Entendeur | Monaco Monaco is the cover version of Jean François Maurice’s 1978 song “28° à l’ombre”, describing the world of two lovers ... luciani_A2 Clara Luciani | Le reste ‘Le reste’ is a song Clara Luciani wrote as a strong and modern woman who is not afraid to express her desires. The song is ... lomepal_B1 Lomepal | Trop beau ‘Trop beau’ is a nostalgic song about heartbreak and impossible love. In it, Lomepal reflects on toxic relationships that entrap ... fils_cara_B1 Fils Cara | Nanna ‘Nanna is the story of a cosmic meeting between two human beings who seem to be attracted to each other like a satellite and a planet. This... juniore_A2 Juniore | Christine The ‘yéyé noir’ of Juniore has always been rooted in the cinematic as much as the musical. The Paris outfit feels as intertwined ... elisa_a1 Elisa Erka | Corps Météo ‘Corps Météo’ is a declaration of love between two people. The song is the second track of an EP that describes the evolution of a... ou_va_le_monde_B1 La Femme | Où va le monde ‘Où va le monde’ is a 60’s, surf-influenced track mixed with yéyé vocals and operatic backing vocals that recalls Ennio ...


cover_alors_on_chante – Michèle Bernard Michèle Bernard | Monsieur Je m’en fous In “Monsieur Je m’en fous,” Michèle Bernard employs irony to denounce the indifference of those who waste water for their own ... Yaniss_B2 Yaniss Odua & Dub Inc | Faut-il encore des preuves ? On the track ‘Faut-il encore des preuves ?’, Yaniss Odua teams up with Dub Inc, one of France’s most iconic reggae bands, to comment on the... tryo_A2 Tryo, avec Alain Souchon, Pierre Souchon et Ours | 2050-2100 XXV “2050-2100” is a song that takes us into the future to imagine the world of tomorrow. The text highlights the ecological message, and... cephaz_A2 Céphaz | On a mangé le soleil This song is an allegory sung against a happy background. However, the message is deeper and more serious, and needs to be taken out into the ... hoshi_b1 Hoshi | Enfants du danger Hoshi depicts a carefree, selfish, nonchalant generation that cares nothing for the planet and thinks only of its own good. gauvain_sers Gauvain Sers | Y’a plus de saisons With ‘Y’a plus de saisons’, Gauvain Sers sounds the alarm about the climate emergency facing the planet. KALUNE Kalune | Le mal de Terre Kalune’s slam “Le mal de Terre” is a bitter account of the tragic state of our planet. pascal_A2 Pascal Parisot | Mes parents sont bio ‘Mes parents sont bio’ is one of the 14 songs included in the book-disc “Les pieds dans le plat” which sketches the world of ... pomme_A1 Pomme | Les séquoias ‘Les séquoias’ is  described by Pomme as a “fuzzy song”. “The song was just talking about some vague thing, the more it went...



Dilemme_LousandtheYakuza_cover Lous and The Yakuza | Dilemme In “Dilemme”, Lous and The Yakuza explores the inner struggle between ambition and personal pain. She highlights resilience and ... Yamelaboheme_B1 Yamê | La bohème Yamê covers “La Bohème”, an emblematic song from the French musical repertoire, sung by Charles Aznavour in 1965. Aznavour recalls ... cover_alors_on_chante – IZIA mon coeur Izia | Mon Coeur In “Mon coeur,” Izia recounts the pain she felt from not being able to perform on stage during the Covid period. cover_alors_on_chante Zaho de Sagazan | La symphonie des éclairs In “La symphonie des éclairs“, Zaho de Sagazan talks about her hypersensitivity in a lyrical and ethereal manner. cover_alors_on_chante – Silvan Areg J’sais pas trop Silvàn Areg | J’sais pas trop In “J’sais pas trop“, Silvàn Areg talks to us about the pursuit of happiness and the need to remain optimistic despite the ... yseult_B1 Yseult | Corps On the track ‘Corps’, Yseult expresses her desire to free herself from the judgement of others about her body and the colour of her... feu_B1 Feu! Chatterton | Monde nouveau “Chatting with friends, we talked about issues like global warming, the over-exploitation of resources, the idea of always optimizing and ... soprano_A2 Soprano | À nos héros du quotidien Soprano’s track pays tribute to the people who work every day to make life more beautiful for others. yseult_A2 Gaël Faye | Lundi méchant This expression comes from Gaël Faye’s native village, and means a rebellious Monday that doesn’t conform to society’s ... stromae_B2 Stromae | Santé With ‘Santé’, Stromae gives a vibrant toast to the working people who do the jobs that are often uncelebrated but keep our world ... grand_corps_C1 Grand Corps Malade | Pendant 24h ‘Pendant 24h’ is Grand Corps Malade‘s tribute to the struggles women face on a daily basis throughout their lives. bigflo_b1 Big Flo & Oli | Dommage The song ‘Dommage’ is about four characters: Louis, a shy young man who doesn’t dare reveal that he loves a woman; Yasmine, a woman who ... arthurh_A2 Arthur H | La Boxeuse Amoureuse ‘La Boxeuse Amoureuse’ is inspired by the story of his mother Nicole Courtois, who has been a figure of resistance and freedom for ... gael_B2 Gaël Faye | Petit Pays In the song ‘Petit Pays’, Gael Faye employs Burundi to express both his love for his native land and his grief oat the political ...

