Even if you take away the concept of servants and the fight scenes and So As I Pray Unlimited Blade Works and defenseless derrieres and everything else that turned Fate/Stay Night into one of the biggest names in the otakusphere of all time, it would still have been a novel entry into Arthuriana just for what it says about people as swords.
See a ton of Western-style fantasy and science fiction likes calling people swords to make them badasses because if you're called Bob then you're just a guy with a sword, but if Bob is called "The King's Blade" suddenly Bob is a badass now, he's the shit, Bob isn't just a warrior; he's a true believer, and that means he's exceptional. Nothing more romantic than declaring yourself nothing but a tool for your master.
And then Fate/Stay Night said you cannot love someone as a weapon, and you cannot reach them without an open hand free of steel. A sword only does one thing to a heart.
You know what DOES save people though? Letting the cute girl that tried to kill you twice have gay sex with your hauntingly beautiful lady knight servant please please please Emiya-kun it's the only way we can possibly defeat Berserker I promise you can go next
The US military has done thousands of unconscionable things, each one more evil than the last, but on top of all of those things, on a minor but more spiteful level, I'll also never forgive them for what they did to Lithium
@clova-nova @communist-mannyfesto
The more that I think about it the more I realize this probably wasn't a USA only problem it's more of a nuclear arms race problem but let's be honest at least half the blame for that is because of the USA.
So basically you know how when you're in high school chem you come across the concept of Average Atomic Mass, which you might also know as Atomic Weight? Each chemical element has one - you'll find it in the periodic table. It tells you how heavy an atom of Hydrogen is compared to that of, say, Carbon. (On average of course. An atom of ¹²C isotope is gonna be lighter than one that's a ¹³C isotope. We'll get to that)
Well, if you look up the atomic weight of Lithium in any up to date periodic table, you'll see a difference between it and other elements.
That's right, it's weirdly so imprecise compared to other elements. Just 3 digits, while for the others, even though they abridge them to 5 digits here, they can usually narrow it down way more. So why do we have such an imprecise idea of what the atomic weight of lithium is? That's because of the Nuclear Arms Race.
So basically when the US, followed by other countries, were developing and stockpiling hydrogen bombs, they realized that they can utilize that One Weird Trick™ that Lithium does where it's particularly good at absorbing neutrons and making Tritium (...I think? don't quote on this, i didn't really grasp the nuclear physics of it). But the thing is, this only works for the isotope, ⁶Li.
So the people who were making these bombs got a lot of Lithium. Then, they used separation procedures to make their desired samples enriched with ⁶Li. Now they have what they need to make enough god damn bombs to end civilization hundreds of times over. Hooray.
But what do they do with the wasted Lithium? The lithium which is now sans a lot of ⁶Li and has more ⁷Li than normal? Well, it's still pure lithium, so we'll just distribute them to be sold as chemical supplies. Without telling people where they came from. Cause making world ending bombs was Top Secret.
So now there's this huge supply of Lithium being used by everybody which unbeknownst to anybody has been depleted of ⁶Li, and thus doesn't have the right atomic weight anymore. We eventually found out about it, but by then it had gradually made its way everywhere and now you can't tell just by looking how much of your Lithium is from an old stock that's been depleted of ⁶Li.
And that's why we can't really have a very precise figure on the atomic weight of lithium. It could be ⁶Li-depleted, it could be not, could be half and half. Who knows. You better buy the overpriced ones from the fancy chemical supplies store so you can ask how they sourced it.
So now, we're CURSED with having only 3 digits in the atomic weight of Lithium. All because people wanted to make world ending bombs. Smh
My source for this is the DeGruyter article by Norman Holden. You can download the PDF for free here.
"doesn't this charater under insane stress going through extremely traumatic events realize how inconvenient their irrational emotional reactions are to the people around them?" well, see, you're not gonna believe this, but the thing is,
Does anyone have the animation of Dio doing cartwheels down the stairs to move Polnareff in the 5 seconds of frozen time he had to fuck with Polnareff, just to be extra? I need it for reasons.
The word you are looking for is “selfish.” Not narcissist, not sociopath, selfish.
I cannot emphasize enough how exactly accurate this is to working in production
obsessed with the woman at the dmv who replied with a firm “no” when asked if she wanted to be an organ donor but when the clerk asked “do you want junk mail? we sell your name and address to companies” she paused and gave a very thoughtful yet decisive “…yeah”
damn is this a new era of tumblr fake stories
is it truly that difficult to believe that some people are just bizarre
points and laughs at my mutuals getting famous posts while i remain safe in my relative obscurity
"tempting fate" this and "apollo's dodgeball" that... hate to break it to you. that doesnt happen to me. im safe.
Walked into the local marriott and guess who was behind the front desk. yuuuuuuup. the immortal king of legend who vaporized so many people it permanently fucked up the timeline.
kind of obsessed with the notes on this one
[ID: collection of tags reading:
- i thought this was a shitpost but then i went into the notes and this is about pokemon apparently
- (all caps) oh this was about pokemon.
- this is about pokemon???
- apparently this is pokemon. but sometimes a good post is just a good post
- this in stars and time/deltarune/undertale fanfic goes crazy
- i thought this was a random post wait. pokeoemn???
- (all caps) it's *pokemon!?!?*
- having just binged malevolent twice in a row i immediately assumed this was some kind of shitpost about kayne. i was Not prepared to look at the notes and learn that it was pokemon. what. wtf is going on over there
- prev i checked the OG post is pokemon. (caps) IDK whats happening in pokemon RN hell
- LMAO. his pet flower who he vaporized those people for is also there
- if you told me yesterday AZ was gonna be a tumblr sexyman hotelier within 24 hours I'd have called you a liar
End ID.]