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Ulantor is a Noble of House Taranis and pilots the Knight suit The Red Doom. He was a veteran of the Cold Trade Wars, which saw the forces of an alliance of Imperium Forge Worlds defeat pirates from the Halo Stars, and the Noble took part in tearing apart many of the pirates' bases on dozens of frozen moons and asteroids.[1]

It was for this reason, that when it was discovered the Dark Mechanicum had a base on Hyperior III, Ulantor was among House Taranis' Knights chosen to aid a Skitarii regiment in destroying their hated enemies. Hyperior III was a part of a solar-web that contained six linked artificial worlds and, in order not to trigger the Dark Mechanicum's defences, Ulantor and his allies were deployed from the Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser Hand of the Omnissiah onto the nearby Hyperior IV. They then used the transit gravity-couplings that connected the worlds to enter Hyperior III, but disaster soon struck, as the Dark Mechanicum had been waiting for the invaders.[1]

In the battle that followed, Ulantor's lance-brothers were destroyed and only he and the remnants of the Skitarii regiment were able to reach deep within Hyperior III, where the solar-web's gravity-couplings ran through the world's core. Ulantor then obliterated them with his battle cannon and Hyperior III began tearing away from the solar-web, as the Noble and surviving Skitarii fought their way to its surface. From there, they were evacuated to the Hand of the Omnissiah as Hyperior III, now free of the solar-web, was destroyed after it plunged into a nearby star.[1]
