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Soulcage Slaveship

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Soulcage Slaveship[1]

The Soulcage Slaveship is a type of light transport used by Chaos fleets.[1]


Unlike most Chaos vessels, these ships rarely see combat. Instead, they roam the Koronus Expanse following in the wake of wolfpacks and pirates to purchase, barter, or swindle for their unfortunate slave stocks. They are an essential part of a warlord's fleet, though some operate independently, risking possible attack for heavier profit.[1]

Almost all Soulcages are converted from captured Imperial Transports, their former heraldry and iconography stripped for those of Chaos. Unable to escape the corruption surrounding them, its crews are eventually corrupted into mindless thralls ready to fight or die at their master's desire. Properly prepared, they fetch a fine profits at Chaos or even xenos-controlled worlds. However, some remain untainted, kept in stasis pods to preserve their purity for sacrifices, meals, or other gruesome fates.[1]

Equipped with small macrocannons and lightly shielded and armoured, Soulcage Slaveships are fairly easy to destroy.[1]

Technical Specifications[1]

  • Dimensions: 2km long, .5km abeam
  • Mass: 10 megatons
  • Crew: 30,000 crew + hundreds of thousands of slaves
  • Acceleration: 3 gravities


Chaos Space Fleet
Battleships DespoilerDesolatorDesecratorBattle BargePlanet Killer
Grand Cruisers RetaliatorRepulsiveExecutorFurious
Heavy Cruisers StyxHadesAcheronHellfireHecate
Cruisers DevastationMurderCarnageSlaughterInfernoEmasculatorHellbringerPestilaanStrike CruiserDaemonship
Escorts IdolatorInfidelIconoclastApostatePlanetary Assault BarqueSoulcage Slaveship
Attack Craft Swiftdeath FighterDoomfire BomberThunderhawkStormbirdHeldrakeFire LordDreadclaw Assault BoatKharybdis Assault Claw