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Imperial Currency

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Imperial Currencies are the various different types of money that are used across the Imperium.


Name Notes
Aquila Pieces Coins used during the Great Crusade[1] and Horus Heresy in various denominations, including a Five Aquila Piece, which was about the same size as a Throne.[2]
Credits Used on Necromunda in M41.[3]
Crowns Used from the Great Crusade,[4] to Karoscura in M41.[5]
Ducats Golden trade coins issued by Navigator Houses able to be used as currency wherever their ships travelled in M41.[6a]
Estrillian Newmarks Used on Atraxia. A tarot deck could potentially be bought for as few as 27 Newmarks.[8]
Terces Silver coin, used on Medusa in M41.[6b]
Thrones Gelt coins used from the Horus Heresy,[2] to the Calixis Sector in M41.[7] About the same size as a Five Aquila Piece.[2]

See also
