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Heavy Rock Saw

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Genestealer Hybrid with a Heavy Rock Saw

The Heavy Rock Saw is a type of construction and mining equipment used by the Imperium. However, it can also be utilized as a weapon, most notably by Genestealer Cults. The blades of the heavy rock saw are designed to cut through dense boulders of ore – when the time of war comes, they slice through the hulls of enemy vehicles easily.[1]


Genestealer Cult Weaponry
Melee Weapons ChainswordBoneswordCultist KnifeForce WeaponPower MaulPower PickPower HammerLocus BladesHeavy Rock DrillHeavy Rock CutterHeavy Rock SawToxin InjectorSanctus Bio-DaggerNeurotraumal RodInjector GoadRending ClawsScything TalonsLash Whip
One-Handed Projectile Weapons AutopistolBolt PistolHand FlamerStub PistolLaspistolLiberator AutostubNeedle PistolWeb Pistol
Two-Handed Projectile Weapons AutogunLasgunFlamerGrenade LauncherNeedlerMining LaserSeismic CannonShotgunSniper RifleWebber
Heavy Weapons AutocannonHeavy BolterHeavy FlamerAtalan IncineratorHeavy StubberLascannonHeavy Mining LaserMissile LauncherHeavy Seismic CannonMortar
Grenades Blasting ChargesDemolition ChargeKrak GrenadeFrag Grenade