Howling Griffons
The Howling Griffons are a Space Marine Chapter with a long and glorious history.[17] Their heroism has placed them amidst the most hallowed honour rolls of the Imperium.[36]
The following paragraphs contain spoilers for: | Chapter War (Novel) |
The Howling Griffons are staunch traditionalists and consider their primary role to be defenders of the Imperium and an instrument of the Emperor's ideals. They see the Codex Astartes as a treatise that has yet to be bettered, rather than holy scripture. As a Chapter, they do not specialize in any one form of warfare and as such maintain an even balance across all disciplines covered by the Codex. Competition within the Chapter is high, but never allowed to degenerate into discord.[7]
They take special pride in their oaths, seeing each as an eternal conflict until the deed is finished. Before battle, additional oaths are added to their already exceedingly long lists, some for the chapter and others more personal. Once an oath is taken, a battle brother goes to extreme lengths to complete it and it is never forgotten, even after decades. Completed or satisfied oaths are a badge of honor, often inscribed on parchments or directly in the armor of the Howling Griffons Space Marines.[2b]
The events of 220.M38 has set the Chapter on a dangerous road. Upon being raised to the rank of full Battle-brother, each warrior takes an oath to avenge the fallen whenever possible and as a Chapter the Howling Griffons have sworn to destroy Periclitor whatever the cost, even if this means going into the depths of hell itself.[7] The Daemon Prince Jago has also declared the Howling Griffons to be his sworn enemies. This hatred is shared by his Warband, the Raptorous Flayhost, and the Griffons' helmets are particularity collected as trophies by its Chaos Terminators.[30]
Due to their glorious battle records and a near permanent campaigning status, they have gained the right to recruit initiates from several different worlds, including Dennar IV, in order to counteract the high levels of attrition that they face. As their main point of recruitment Mancora is kept in a constant state of warfare in order to provide them with a solid base of well disciplined initiates. The high birth rate of psykers on Mancora has also led to a high number of powerful Battle-Psykers within their ranks.[7]
The Howling Griffons are known to have seconded many Battle-Brothers to the Deathwatch over the years.[17]
Howling Griffons Bike Squads are known for excelling at spearhead line-breaking assaults.[37a]
- ???.M33: The Howling Griffons Chapter is founded as a successor to the Ultramarines.[7]
- ???.M35: The Howling Griffons aboard their strike cruisers were among the Chapters that took part in the Commorragh Raid.[27]
- ???.M36: The Howling Griffons destroyed the Necroteks of Naath.[11a]
- 220.M38: Arios Point Ambush — The Howling Griffons were ambushed by then Chaos Lord Periclitor on their return to Mancora. The ambush led to the death of Chapter Master Orlando Furioso as well as most of their First and Eighth Companies.[7] This has sparked a long standing feud between the Word Bearers and the Howling Griffons.[7]
- 322-384.M39: Angevin Crusade.[11c]
- 109.M40: The Dennar IV Suppression — The Howling Griffons 3rd Company, led by Captain Penvath Joachim, responded to a call for aid from Dennar IV. When they arrived at the agri world, they discovered a handfull of city-states full of refugees holding out against a horde of cultists, some of whom were possessed by daemons. Using their superior armour and tactics, the Howling Griffons rallied the local forces and led a long and bloody struggle to clear the planet of the uprising. After this action, the Howling Griffons have kept a lasting oath to protect the planet; in return they are able to count Dennar IV as one of their recruiting planets.[7]
- 143.M41: The Jorun Retaliation — En route to the Gothic War an Imperial Battlegroup, the 15th Heraklion Ironclads, turned on their Commissariat attachment and went renegade. Investigations into this turn of events uncovered the foul Xenos taint of Dark Eldar, who had managed to ensnare and corrupt General Jorun and his command structure. Jorun and his fleet raided planet after planet, enslaving whole populations for their masters. The full Howling Griffons Chapter (about 8 Companies worth of Marines) was given command of the strike force, with support from the Ultramarines and Sons of Orar Chapters. Initial contact was made as the traitor forces were landing on Asturia. With no armour unloaded, it became a massacre, with over 5,000 Guard dying in an hour. The Howling Griffons' 4th Company, led by Chaplain Armand Titus, led the final strike on Jorun's forces, fighting through Jorun's Ogryn cadre as well as Dark Eldar troops. Titus delivered the killing blow to Jorun, while slowly succumbing to poisoned wounds and sealing the fate of the Heraklion Ironclads.[7]
- 857.M41: Lazar Blockade — The Howling Griffons' fleet, along with 4 other Space Marine Chapters, overwhelmed and obliterated the main Tomb World. However, secondary bases throughout the system suddenly came to life.[10]
- 905-906.M41: Shortly before the Badab War, the Howling Griffons' Fourth Company along with parts of their Sixth, Tenth and First Companies carried out a lengthy search and destroy campaign within the Caradryad Sector. It can be safely assumed that a large number of planetary assaults were carried out during this action as they were severely lacking in Thunderhawks and drop pods when answering the call for aid in the Badab War as they had not had the chance to return to Mancora.[7]
- 906-909.M41: Badab War — The Howling Griffons, along with the Novamarines, responded to calls for aid. Having just finished a campaign in the Caradryad Sector, the Howling Griffons' task force was no more than 250 Space Marines and had insufficient planetary assault resources to aid in front line assaults. As a result, their initial engagements were to carry out garrison duties or convoy protection.[39] Their largest deployment was to garrison the airless moons in the Khymara system, rebuilding old listening posts as staging areas for later in the war. Unfortunately this posting put them in the path of the Executioners in 907.M41[12] who were coming to aid the Secessionists as part of their blood oath to Huron. The Howling Griffons were annihilated; after the Executioners withdrawal, the casualty rate was more than 70%, including the catastrophic loss of their strike cruiser, Augeias, and Chaplain Dreadnought Titus. Despite these losses, the remaining force continued to fight wherever they could until officially relieved in 909.M41[7] The Howling Griffons made use of Insurgency Forces (five Marines, one armed with a sniper rifle.) and at least one Callidus Assassin during the war.[35]
- 951.M41: The Amar secession was brought to a swift end by the rapid strikes of the Howling Griffons.[6b] The Howling Griffons' tactical use of Land Speeder Storms allowed them to take the outer bastion of the Regent's palace and use his artillery against the inner palace.[6c]
- 978.M41:[14a] War for Bhorc Prime (Scrap at da Scrap Yard) — A contingent of Howling Griffons was dispatched to prevent the Orks from building bigger and better idols. They managed to seize the high ground, and, with commanding fire positions, they could press their attack on the Warlord's Gargantt fields and slow the invasion.[14b]
- ???.M41: The Howling Griffons under Captain Xerxes took part in the Crusade of Fire.[22]
- 998.M41: 13th Black Crusade — The Howling Griffons sent 8 Companies to participate in the campaign.[1] The 1st Company of the Howling Griffons including Chapter Master Alvaro, where based on the battle-barge Force of Destiny and engaged upon a mission to track down and persecute a company of Night Lords under the command of the infamous Daemon Prince Periclitor.[3]
- During the campaign in the Mackan System, the 5th Company of the Howling Griffons was flushed from cover by the mutants of the Stigmatus Covenant and then attacked by Chaos Knights of House Khomentis.[16]
- 999.M41: The Howling Griffons were one of the twelve Chapters to accompany the Dark Angels in the Siege of the Fenris System[13]
- ~999.M41 - Present: The Howling Griffons, accompanied by Chapter Master Alvaro, took part in the Indomitus Crusade[20]
- 001.M42-025.M42: Nachmund Gauntlet — The Howling Griffons sent 3 companies to Vigilus in the War of Beasts[15] and later to the Nachmund Rift War.[21]
- 012.M42: Plague Wars — The Chapter provided 6 Companies to aid Ultramar when it was invaded by the Death Guard.[20b]
- ???.M42: Orks have increasingly attacked Mancora from the Charadon Sector. The Griffons have yet to show any weakness.[38]
- Valerian Purges — The Howling Griffons, with the Cadian 108th "Wyverns", also saw action in this campaign.[4]
- Liberation of Vanqualis — Vanqualis was under attack by Orks. The Howling Griffons along with the 901st Penal Legion fought against the Orks.[2a] Shortly after landing they turned on the Soul Drinkers chapter, believing them to be the bearers of a Chaos Artefact, the Black Chalice.[2c]
- Dennar IV Rebellion — The Howling Griffons 3rd Company took part in this campaign.[5a] One of the battles — Assault on Hill 103[5b]
- Attack on Procon Secundus — Procon Secundus was under attack by Ghazghkull Thraka. The Howling Griffons launched themselves at Ghazghkull Thraka's hordes. The Howling Griffons destroyed the invading Orks in a series of battles,[31b] that ended their threat and saved what remained of the planet's population.[31c]
- Veidt's Schism — During this the Howling Griffons' Homeworld, Mancora, was separated form the rest of the Imperium.[24]
The Howling Griffons Gene-Seed is free from defects and produces all organs like their parent chapter the Ultramarines. The Howling Griffons focus on harvesting the progenoid glands of their fallen and getting them returned to their homeworld. This is how the chapter is able to keep their force strength while having a high turnover rate.[11b]
The standard Howling Griffons armour colour scheme is quartered red and yellow.[18b] Sergeants sport a black helmet with a red skull, while Veteran Sergeants add an additional white stripe.[37b]
During activities on Khymara during the Badab War, the Howling Griffons wore approved Night World camo which combines black armour with a grey chest eagle. The shoulder pads are quartered red/yellow with grey rims and Sergeants wore grey helmets. Khymara camo for Terminators was pure black with the right shoulder bearing the red/yellow quartered livery. The Terminator's Power Fists were also painted red.[7]
Noted Elements of the Howling Griffons
- The Griffon's Pride — Ancient Terminator Lightning Claws now in the possession of the Blood Ravens.[25]
- The Lost Halo — A Force Field used in the Angevin Crusade, but lost at its conclusion. It was later discovered in the Omega Vault.[11c]
- Force of Destiny — Battle Barge. Used by Chapter Master Alvaro during The Third War for Armageddon.[3]
- Augeias — Strike Cruiser. Destroyed by the Executioners during The Badab War.[7]
- Cerulean Claw — Strike Cruiser. Used by Chief Librarian Mercaeno during the Liberation of Vanqualis.[22]
- Rampant — Strike Cruiser Used by Captain Falchian and Lieutenant Aldanuth of the Chapter's Fifth Company before deploying to claim the Guns of Enth.[32]
- Gloriam — Rhino. Attached to tactical squad Maximus of the Fifth Company.[9]
- Maneus — Razorback. Attached to devastator squad Tercon of the Fifth Company. Armed with twin linked Lascannons and Hunter Killer Missile Launcher.[9]
- Daceus — Whirlwind Helios. Attached to the Fifth Company.[9]
- Trajan — Predator Destructor. Attached to the Fifth Company.[9]
- Sword of Fire — Land Raider Built during and used in Veidt's Schism. Built using lower quality materials due to a blockade.[24]
- Shield of Mancora — Land Raider Prometheus Used by the 4th Company during the Badab War. It was immobilised and captured by the Executioners.[7]
Notable Members of the Howling Griffons
Chapter Command
- Orlando Furioso — Late in the year 220.M38 the Howling Griffons Chapter were preparing to celebrate their 5,000th anniversary of their Founding. As Chapter Master Orlando Furioso and the First Company made their way to the Chapter's home world, Lord Periclitor of the Word Bearers, a substantial force of his Chosen and his Night Lords allies[7] fell upon the Howling Griffons' ship as it traversed the Arios beacon. The battle was a furious one, culminating with Periclitor and his elite boarding Furioso's battle barge aboard their Dreadclaws. The attack crippled the ship, and the defenders were forced to evacuate aboard their Thunderhawks and escape pods. The battle was continued upon the surface of Arios Quintus, where the survivors were surrounded and eventually cut down. The body of Orlando Furioso was mounted upon the fore of his Thunderhawk and left to drift in orbit above the planet for a month before it could be recovered.[7] And now the Howling Griffons Chapter has another date to mark in their calendar each year.[34]
- Alvaro — Chapter Master of as of M42.[Conflicting Sources]
- Mercaeno — Chief Librarian of the Howling Griffons. Mercaeno fulfilled the oath of avenging Chapter Master Orlando's death by vanquishing the daemon prince Periclitor during the 13th Black Crusade. He then led the strike cruiser Cerulean Claw to Vanqualis in the Obsidian System to fulfill an oath to the ruling Falken family to defeat the Soul Drinkers who were mistakenly identified as the bearers of the Chaos artifact, the Black Chalice. He had a titanic physical and psychic duel with Sarpedon in the Soul Drinkers' space hulk Brokenback. He broke Sarpendon's force staff and defeated him. Before he dealt the death blow to Sarpedon with his force-axe, he met his demise by Eumenes's sneak attack.[2d]
- Penvath Joachim — Captain of the Third Company, responded to a call for aid from Dennar IV.[7]
- Falchian - Captain of the Fifth Company injured during the campaign to capture the Guns of Enth.[32]
- Darion — Captain of the Ninth Company, participated in killing Periclitor and The Liberation of Vanqualis. His armour is studded with gems for notable kills.[2a]
- Borganor — Captain of the Tenth Company, participated in killing Periclitor and The Liberation of Vanqualis. He has many bionics for all of his lost body parts.[2a]
- Torkos — Captain taking part in the Plague Wars.[22]
- Xerxes — Captain lead the Howling Griffons in the Crusade of Fire.[20]
Other Ranks
- Armand Titus — In 143.M41 Chaplain Armand Titus, along with the Fourth Company, led the final assault against the renegade General Jorun and his forces during the Jorun Retaliation. Fighting his way through renegade guard, Ogryn and Dark Eldar he was wounded by xenos poisons; despite this he broke through to face General Jorun and delivered the Emperor's justice. Upon returning to Mancora Titus was encased in a dreadnought to continue his service to the Chapter.[7] Titus continued to serve with the 4th Company throughout M41, including the campaign in the Caradryad system and into the Badab War. He was present on Khymara when the Executioners assaulted the moon base and was one of the large number of losses.[7]
- Malegran — Chaplain and member of the Deathwatch.[23]
Howling Griffons original colour scheme as they appeared during the Badab War. (1st Edition)[8]
Howling Griffons Chaplain (1st Edition)[31a]
Howling Griffons Apothecary (5th Edition)[33]
Howling Griffons Techmarine.[11a]
Robin Cruddace's Howling Griffons Army.[41]
Conflicting Sources
- In the 1st edition of the novel Dark Imperium,[20a] Alvaro is stated to be Chapter Master of the Howling Griffons during the Indomitus Crusade. However the 2021 2nd edition changed this to Kenot Friche for unknown reasons.[20b]
See also
- 1: Codex: Eye of Terror (3rd Edition), pg. 16
- 2: Chapter War (Novel):
- 3: White Dwarf 284 (UK), pgs. 88-89
- 4: Iron Hands (Novel), Chapter 3
- 5: Imperial Armour Volume Two - Space Marines and Forces of the Inquisition:
- 6: Codex: Space Marines (5th Edition)
- 7: Imperial Armour Volume Nine - The Badab War - Part One, pgs. 124–131
- 8: Warhammer 40,000: Compendium, pg. 35
- 9: White Dwarf 309 (UK), pgs. 44–51
- 10: Codex: Necrons (5th Edition), pg. 57
- 11: Deathwatch: Honour the Chapter:
- 12: Forge World Scenarios for Badab War campaigns (last accessed 13 June 2015)
- 13: The Lost King (Short Story)
- 14: White Dwarf 349 (UK)
- 15: Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Defiant, pg. 79
- 16: Codex: Chaos Knights (8th Edition), pg. 32 — A Saga of Destruction - Call of Despoiler
- 17: Codex: Deathwatch (8th Edition), pgs. 20-21 — The Oathsworn Tithe
- 18: How to Paint Space Marines:
- 19: Index Astartes: Fortress Monasteries (Background Book), pg. 2
- 20: Dark Imperium (Novel):
- 21: War Zone Nachmund: Rift War, pg. 30
- 22: Crusade of Fire (Campaign Book), pg. 27
- 23: Codex: Deathwatch (7th Edition), pg. 53
- 24: Adeptus Astartes Phobos Pattern Land Raider (poster)
- 25: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Chaos Rising: The Griffon's Pride, wargear selection screen
- 26: Codex: Space Marines (9th Edition), pgs. 20-21
- 27: Codex: Dark Eldar (5th Edition), pg. 14
- 28: Black Library (last accessed April 23, 2013)
- 29: Arks of Omen: Angron, pgs. 12-14
- 30: Codex: Chaos Space Marines (9th Edition), pg. 142 — Crusade Army
- 31: White Dwarf 180 (UK):
- 32: The Guns of Enth (Short Story)
- 33: Order gallery at Games Workshop (Archived 30 January 2009, last access 27 February 2021, pictures not saved)
- 34: Codex: Chaos Space Marines (3rd Edition, 2nd Codex), pg. 63
- 35: GW UK's Campaign Weekends Badab War Rules (Way Back Machine), pg. 7
- 36: Codex Supplement: Ultramarines (8th Edition), pg. 7
- 37: Codex: Space Marines (7th Edition):
- 38: Codex: Space Marines (8th Edition, 2nd Codex), pg. 28
- 39: White Dwarf 101 (UK), pg. 71
- 40: White Dwarf 179 (UK), Rear Cover
- 41: White Dwarf 453, pg. 57
- Codex: Space Marines (3rd Edition): pg. 23
- Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition Rulebook: pg. 185
- Codex: Space Marines (6th Edition) (E-Book-Version): Section Space Marine Bikes, Howling Griffons
- Codex: Space Marines (7th Edition): pgs. 17, 18, 33
- Codex: Genestealer Cults (7th Edition): pgs. 4-5
- White Dwarf 101 (UK): pg. 73
- White Dwarf 117 (UK): pg. 7
- White Dwarf 119 (UK): pg. 10
- White Dwarf 287 (UK), pg. 91
- White Dwarf 288 (UK), pg. 29
- White Dwarf September 2016: Deathwatch Overkill - Kill Team Excis
- White Dwarf 475: pg. 65
- Epic Armageddon: pg. 70
- Warhammer 40,000: Conquest: poster
- Warhammer 40,000: Compendium: pg. 23
- Imperial Armour Volume Two: pgs. 81, 114
- Imperial Armour Volume Two - Second Edition: pgs. 13, 19
- Imperial Armour Volume Nine: pgs. 41, 158, 159
- Insignium Astartes: pg. 59
- Adeptus Astartes: Successor Chapters: pg. 53
- How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Deathwatch: pg. 31
- Warriors of Ultramar (Novel): Chapter 15
- Chapter War (Novel): Chapters 5, 10, 15
- Phalanx (Novel): Chapters 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14
- The Fall of Medusa V: pg. 25
- The Skull Harvest (Short Story)
- The Trial of the Mantis Warriors (Short Story)
- Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000: pg. 61
- Gallery: Space Marines Chapter (last accessed May 30, 2010)
- Space Marine Chapter Gallery (last accessed October 15, 2008)
- Games Workshop: Assault on Black Reach Gallery (Site offline)
- Duty's End (Short Story)