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Kombi-weapons are the Ork equivalent of Imperial and Chaos combi-weapons. They usually combine a Shoota and Skorcha or Rokkit Launcha attached together. It is used by Orks that can afford such a weapon, such as Nobs or Warbosses. They are often incorporated into Mega Armour.[1][2]
Shoota-Rokkit Launcha
The Kombi Shoota-Rokkit Launcha uses a limited-shot Rokkit Launcha as a secondary weapon to a Shoota.[2]
The Kombi Shoota-Skorcha uses a Skorcha with a limited supply of fuel as a secondary weapon to a Shoota.[2]
Ork Kombi Shoota-Skorcha[2]
Related Articles
- 1: Codex: Orks (3rd Edition), pg. 35
- 2: Codex: Orks (4th Edition), pg. 89
- 3: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
- 4: Eternal Crusade website - Rogue Trader store