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Defiant Light Cruiser

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Defiant Class Light Cruiser

The Defiant Class Light Cruiser is a Imperial ship design used by the Imperial Navy and Basilikon Astra.[3]


The Defiant class is a variant of the Endeavour Class Light Cruiser, in this case its weapons batteries being replaced by Attack Craft flight decks. The Defiant is used as an escort for larger ships, and/or as a convoy strike craft carrier. The Defiant is a capable carrier, but too vulnerable to operate without support, as it has no significant defensive capabilities. It is often seen alongside its sister variants, the Endeavour and Endurance Class Light Cruiser.[1]

The Defiant has two flight decks and two short range lances upon its prow. Its lack of fire-power often delegates it to operating as support to larger ships rather than in its intended role as an escort.[1]

Defiant Light Cruiser[4]

Notable Defiant Class Vessels

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: 3.8 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.[2]
  • Mass: 22 megatonnes approx.[2]
  • Crew: 61,500 crew, 6,100 pilots and support staff, approx.[2]
  • Accel: 3.8 gravities max sustainable acceleration.[2]


Imperial Navy Ships
Battleships ApocalypseEmperorOberonRetributionVictoryNemesisVanquisherInvincible ClassGothic ClassGraiaAdjudicator
Grand Cruisers AvengerExorcistVengeanceFurious
Battlecruisers ArmageddonMarsOverlordChaliceDominionMercuryLong Serpent
Cruisers DictatorDominatorGothicLunarTyrantCardinalAggressorAmbition
Light Cruisers DauntlessDefiantEndeavourEnduranceEnforcerDefenderSiluriaStyges
Heavy Frigates TurbulentInvictorInexorable
Frigates SwordFirestormTempestFalchionHavoc
Destroyers BrandishCobraConstrictorViperSabreStalwart
Corvettes Claymore
Support Armed FreighterCarrackCastellanCetaceusCetaceaConstellationDefence MonitorEscort CarriersFast ClipperFuel TransportOrionQ-ShipTaraskTroop TransportHeavy TransportUniverseGolgothaViper
Attack Craft Faustus InterceptorFury InterceptorStarhawk BomberPraetorian BomberShark Assault BoatControl Craft
Planetary Aircraft AvengerChiropteranLightning (Strike) • Marauder Bomber (DestroyerColossusVigilantPathfinder) • Thunderbolt (Fury) Valkyrie (VendettaSky TalonVulture)NighthawkMagogWrath
Landing Craft Aquila LanderArvus LighterCorona Class LanderDevourer DropshipTetrarchAngantyr-Class DropshipVyrtus Class Dropship

Adeptus Mechanius Fleet
Battleships Ark MechanicusEmperorRetributionOberon
Cruisers Adeptus Mechanicus CruiserLunarTyrantGothicDictatorWar Barge
Light Cruisers Adeptus Mechanicus Light CruiserEndeavorEnduranceDefiantSecutorLathe
Escorts FirestormNovaGladiusSwordFalchionCobraHunter
Attack Craft Fury InterceptorStarhawk BomberShark Assault Boat
Transports/Landing Craft Macro TransportHeavy TransportLifter BargeConquesitus ArkCoffin ShipTitan BarqueKnight TransportInvasion LanderDrop-VaultDrop-keep
Support Craft Explorator VesselEradication ArkExplorator ArkGoliath Class Factory ShipMegiron Class Forge VesselGoliath Class Forge TenderCapacitar ShipSalvator ArkScavenger ScowReclamator craft
Planetary Aircraft Avenger Strike FighterLightning FighterThunderbolt FighterStorm Eagle GunshipVulture GunshipArchaeopterLysander Targeting Craft