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Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor

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Symbol of the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor

The Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor is a major Genestealer Cult.[1][2]


The first cult operating on such a scale to be discovered by the Imperium, the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor arose on Ghosar Quintus in 680.M41[2] by quietly taking over the planet's ruling Trysst Dynasty. The Cult was ultimately thought eliminated by a Deathwatch Kill-Team led by Ortan Cassius.[1]

However, the truth is far more disturbing, for before the arrival of the Deathwatch on Ghosar Quintus the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor had its members infiltrate work groups which were then shipped across the galaxy by the Departmento Munitorum. The corrupted Trysst dynasty has endured, and the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor now exists across many worlds in Ultima Segmentum. The Cult has come to specialize in mining, burrowing, and subterranean exploration and in war are known for their ambush, demolition, and mining tactics. They are one of the few Genestealer cults that plan to spread on a galactic level as opposed to merely planetary.[2]

After the opening of the Great Rift, the cult took control of the Shambarac System and its vast shipyards. The cult's structure was thrown in disarray by the deathwatch forces of the Null Breach before more conventional forces came to exterminate its remnants.[3]


The heraldry of the Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor celebrates the industrial symbols of the Trysst Dynasty despite their forefathers having long since been slain by the Deathwatch. The many infestations across Ultima Segmentum use variations of the same colors.[2]

