Life is About the Journey

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”

- Louis L’Amour

As we said in our last blog post “life is about the journey, not the destination.” This rings very true for the Tungle team. We have had an exciting journey since we started in 2006. It’s now time to close yet another chapter in our book and start a new one…

Tungle began in 2006 to make finding times to meet with colleagues, clients and contacts as quick and easy as possible. In April of 2011, we were acquired by Research in Motion (RIM) with the goal of bringing the Tungle vision to millions of BlackBerry customers. After our acquisition we quickly went to work and built the BlackBerry Playbook Calendar app. Now, our team is creating the native Calendar app for the next generation platform, BlackBerry 10, and together with other key RIM employees, we are driving innovation in Messaging (email), Contacts, Notes and Memos apps.

All of our new responsibilities within RIM are very exciting; however, it hasn’t left much time for innovation on the core Tungle product over the past year, as we’re sure you have noticed. To make the most of our new focus, we have sadly decided it is time to shut down the standalone Tungle service.

As of Monday, December 3rd, 2012 we will shut down the standalone Tungle service. You will continue to be able to use your page until then to schedule meetings and share calendars. We know our dedicated members rely on Tungle every day to manage their calendars and we don’t want to leave you out to dry, so we suggest you check out Doodle to replace Tungle in December.

We appreciate all the support you have given us over the years and hope our efforts on BlackBerry 10 will bring the same dedication and excitement.


The Tungle Team

Name: Marc

Web Site:

Bio: CEO and Founder of Tungle.

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55 Responses to Life is About the Journey

  1. From all of us in the SMB Technology Channel, we wish you well in your journey with RIM and hope that another innovator will see the opportunity to fill this need and create new jobs. Thanks for years of a great service.

    Godspeed Tungle Team!

    ~ Jeremiah Ilges
    Director of Business Development
    Pocket MBA

  2. Tom Cooper says:

    Has RIM given any thought to selling this asset? I’m not a ready buyer, but I completely see the value in the toolkit, and given their financials of late, I’m sure that having something for this would be helpful to the bottom line…..

  3. Janet Fouts says:

    Aw, I’m happy for the team but will definitely miss the product. You had a great run and I wish you all the best!

  4. Pat Gehrke says:

    I have relied on Tungle for some time now to handle my wacky and often packed calendar. Since this has been announced I have been scrambling for a replacement. The $5/month version of Schedule Once looks like the most likely winner, though I will need to play with the free version a bit before I make the leap and switch all my websites and links over. Still, more functionality and better customization than Tungle, with excellent Google integration, so it might be a net win in the end. They are at
    Note: I have no affiliation with this company and am not being paid in any way for posting this comment.

  5. Christopher Thomas says:

    I am still waiting for a Tungle client that will work on my Torch 9810 with OS 7.1 When are you going to have this ready? I am being forced to use the standalone product until I have a client that works on my BB device.

  6. Erica says:

    This really saddens me. I stumbled upon [no point intended] this post while writing a blog article on “time management” and I came to this site to create a screen shot of my calendar as an example for my readers. Being a business owner myself, I understand the essentials of innovating your business. Good luck to and your business endeavors!

    Thank you to all who posted Tungle Me alternatives!

  7. Pingback: Brenda Cares Corner – Life is About the Journey – says Goodbye and Prepares for Blackberry 10

  8. Pingback: konzentriert sich auf BlackBerry 10 |

  9. Pingback: Tungle Packs it In | Private Equity Capital

  10. Pingback: Tungle is Going Away, Now What?

  11. Moritz Blume says:

    Dear Marc,

    I read this sentence “…so we suggest you check out Doodle to replace Tungle in December.” and of course I want to ask you to change it to something like “… Doodle and Fasterplan” ;-)
    You would do us and your current clients a favour since they have one more option to check out, Fasterplan is a bit different from Doodle and worth a look!

    Moritz Blume (CEO Fasterplan)

  12. Pingback: Services79 » Closing It’s Doors To Focus On BlackBerry 10

  13. Rod Weir says:

    Tungle is dead! Long live Tungle! Sorry to see it go as I’m still an avid user after leaving the company. And this too shall pass. Looking forward to seeing BB10 live up to its potential.

  14. Pingback: Doodle souhaite la bienvenue aux ex-utilisateurs de Tungle « Blog

  15. Pingback: Doodle welcomes Tungle users « Blog

  16. Pingback: cierras sus puertas para siempre | BerryNation

  17. Rami Goraly says:

    For those looking for a professional alternative – ScheduleOnce ( is the top rated app in the Google Apps Marketplace and is the best alternative to Tungle.

  18. Pingback: RIM Shutting Down Tungle.Me Service to Focus on BlackBerry 10 Calendar and PIM Apps | 101 Best BlackBerry Apps

  19. Sad to see Tungle service close… I remember testing it way back and it was fresh and easy to use.

    Good luck with the new products though! As developers ourselves we appreciate your honesty with your customers in publishing this post.

    If you take appointments from many people/customers, we also offer a scheduling service more focused on this type of use. You can offer many services, set prices, collect payments and deposits, send reminders and much more. If you’re looking for a new ‘home’ for your scheduling, try .
    We have a free plan (free forever!) for solo traders.

    Giovanna from Bookeo

  20. Pingback: RIM Shutting Down Tungle.Me Service to Focus on BlackBerry 10 Calendar and PIM Apps |

  21. Pingback: Tungle shutting down as of December 3rd, concentrating efforts on BlackBerry 10 | 101 Best BlackBerry Apps

  22. Mike says:

    We’re glad that you’ll be living on within RIM and we are looking forward to BlackBerry 10!

    We’d also like to welcome Tungle users who wish to continue with a stand-alone offering. TimeTrade is offering 1 year of free service to existing Tungle users. You can sign up at:

  23. Marc, thanks for keeping TungleMe running for so long. People really valued the product and found a lot of utility there. Best of luck at RIM and beyond.

    To the users who relied on TungleMe, we’re doing our best to offer the same great scheduling as TungleMe did, as well as improve on it by introducing “1 click meeting scheduling”.

    We’d love for you to try out our product and give us feedback:

  24. Kim Flynn says:

    Awww!!! I am so sad that Tungle will be no longer! Doodle doesn’t sync to a google calendar. Sad to see you go! Thanks for providing a fantastic time saving tool–I use it almost daily.

  25. Alex Moore says:

    Marc, Tungle was one of our inspirations when we created Boomerang Calendar, a smart calendar assistant integrated into Gmail. We loved what you guys were doing, and we are really excited to bring that kind of technology directly into email.

    We’re eagerly looking forward to checking out BB10′s calendar and messaging interfaces. Between you guys and T.A. and the Gist team, we’re sure there’ll be some great things coming down the pipe. Good luck!

  26. Pingback: RIM Shutting Down Tungle.Me Service to Focus on BlackBerry 10 Calendar and PIM Apps | BlackBerry Cool

  27. Pingback: Meeting scheduler hits the deadpool as it focuses on working within RIM | Digital Gadget dan Selular

  28. I’m ready to see what you guys can pull off in terms of the BB10 calendar app. It’s very exciting to know that our team is heading up such a crucial effort. Make sure there’s full integration with a “share” between applications functionality like on Android. I’m not sure what the story was with the BB10 delay, but there are millions of people rooting for you, the gist guys, and whats left of the TAT guys. Maybe, Thor will show part of your new Calendar app in San Jose?

  29. Pingback: Services79 » Tungle shutting down as of December 3rd, concentrating efforts on BlackBerry 10

  30. Claire says:

    Oh no. And I’ve only just discovered you too.

    I am a bberry playbook user so what does that mean for us?
    Will the tingle facility be integrated into the calendar?

  31. Pingback: Tungle.Me Shutdown And What I Expect From An Alternative Service

  32. Pingback: CompuSchmooze Podcast #32: Marc Gingras of Tungle discusses shared calendaring and scheduling | CompuSchmooze

  33. Pingback: RIM To Shut Down Tungle.Me, Team Will Focus On BlackBerry 10 Calendar App | Startup Help

  34. Hi Marc,
    Sorry to hear this news. We love tungle and it’s made our lives so much more productive !

    RIM/Tungle could do a great service by placing the code into the public domain as a GPL license and let others develop the platform or use for their own organizations, since it won’t be a competitor of RIM.

    This would be a great way to support the community :) .


  35. We are sad to see such an innovative scheduling tool shut down, but would love for any current Tungle users to consider Book’d in addition to Marc’s recommendation of Doodle. We are launching in beta this week. Read more about how we’ll compare to Tungle and Doodle on our blog at

    You can register for a beta invitation at

  36. Pingback: Tungle.Me announces closing, I cry foul at RIM | TheSocialNetworker

  37. myke. says:

    Hi Marc

    It’s sad to hear that Tungle throws the towel. We’ve been impressed by the level of professionalism you have achieved. It has been fun to disrupt the scheduling space in a “two-pronged approach” from Canada and Switzerland. Thanks for mentioning Doodle as an alternative. And all the best for you, your team, and your future projects.

  38. Pingback: Welcome all Tungle users — ScheduleOnce blog

  39. Pingback: The Day Tungle Died

  40. Mark MacLeod says:

    End of an era. Privileged to have been a part of this company. And as a power tungler, very sad to lose this service.

  41. Paul LeRoy says:

    Sad…. it was and still is a great product. If any of the tungle users know of a suitable replacement, please post.

  42. Joe says:

    So sorry to see it go!

    I have been using LiziBot ( ) and I at least personally like it better than doodle.

    Wish the best of luck to the Tungle.Me team!

  43. Pingback: Latest Stock Market and Wall Street stories » RIM To Shut Down Tungle.Me, Team Will Focus On BlackBerry 10 Calendar App

  44. Pingback: RIM Closing; Team Will Focus on BlackBerry 10

  45. Pingback: Global Tech Review | RIM Closing; Team Will Focus on BlackBerry 10

  46. Pingback: kończy działalność, skupia się na BlackBerry 10 | BBNews

  47. Pingback: RIM To Shut Down Tungle.Me, Team Will Focus On BlackBerry 10 Calendar App | Blog

  48. Hi Marc,

    I want to thank you for the Tungle product. I’ve used it for some time now to schedule virtual assistant appointments from my blog and my website. It’s a great tool! And, I often recommended Tungle to my clients and even to my teenage son, who was trying to raise money for tuition to attend a flight school last summer. He painted our neighbor’s mailboxes and used Tungle to schedule those appointments. So your product was instrumental in sending a boy to flight school!

    I wish you and your company well and I look forward to hearing of your future endeavors.

    Thank you again!

    Janine Gregor

  49. Pingback: RIM To Shut Down Tungle.Me, Team Will Focus On BlackBerry 10 Calendar App | TechCrunch

  50. Andy Traub says:

    Marc, frankly I’m really disappointed and sad that this happened. The day I heard you had sold Tungle to RIM the first thought that came to my mind was that Tungle’s days were numbered. There was a vibrancy and energy that Tungle had when you were not under RIM and I will miss that. I sincerely hope that you and your team are able to work on things that you love because Tungle was a great product that deserves to live on. From my perspective RIM can say they’re “folding” Tungle into their services but as RIM goes Tungle goes and I think RIM’s days are numbered. Tungle was and is great but under RIM it’s been mismanaged.

    I’ve never started a company like yours or entertained offers to buy it so I’m not questioning your decisions but I’m just sad because I believed in the Tungle team and from my perspective it seems like you’ve been swallowed by a sinking ship. I do wish you success. You deserve it.

  51. Marc,

    I, too, will be sad to see Tungle shut down. I easily scheduled hundreds of meetings over the few years I’ve used it, saving countless hours of Battleship-by-email.

    As an alternative to Doodle, I’m going to be looking for similar functionality from TimeBridge, >a href=””>ScheduleOnce, and others.

    Thank you for the great service, and don’t lose sight of your vision of the Calendar of the Future.

  52. It will be sad to see Tungle go, however I am excited to see what you guys bring to BlackBerry 10. The PlayBook calendar is an excellent app and I suspect your team has even more great ideas up your sleeve for BB10. Good luck!