Wallpaper : waterway, reflection, cityscape, sky, city, urban area, water, town, evening, metropolis, sunset, dusk, metropolitan area, morning, canal, river, skyline, building, channel 3637x2708

waterway, reflection, cityscape, sky, city, urban area, water, town, evening, metropolis, sunset, dusk, metropolitan area, morning, canal, river, skyline, building, channel

Canon PowerShot S95

unknown lens

6.0mm · f/4.0s · 100/5999s · ISO 80

  • 3637x2708
  • 10/31/2017
  • 97
  • 97

Wallpaper HD of waterway, reflection, cityscape, sky, city, urban area, water, town, evening, metropolis, sunset, dusk, metropolitan area, morning, canal, river, skyline, building, channel

, taken with an Canon PowerShot S95 10/31 2017 The picture taken with 6.0mm, f/4.0s, 100/5999s, ISO 80

Source site:https://www.flickr.com/bunte-welt/32424641594
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