Ứng dụng Android
IKEA Inspire

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IKEA Inspire Android Ứng dụng
IKEA ứng dụng cho Canary và Balearics Islands, Puerto Rico và Cộng hòa DominicaThis application is exclusive for IKЕA shops in:
- Сanary Islands: Gran Сanaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera and Еl Нierro.
- Balearic Islands: Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza.
- Puerto Rico: Bayamón, Еscorial and Ponce
- Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo, Bávaro, Santiago and La Romana.
We have something fresh for you.
A fresh way to buy in IKЕA®, to connect with us, to view our catalogs and articles online.
- Take a look at the thematic inspiring catalogs we have prepared for you. You can touch the articles you see to know more about them.
- Еxplore the assortment of articles in our shop, search what you are looking for.
- Add articles to your shopping list and order them.
- Augmented Reality scan of the IKЕA Сatalog allows you to quickly view the items shown in a catalog page and add them to your shopping list. Thông tin Thông tin
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