University of Tasmania
Faculty of Health
Ethicists have continued to debate about two means of treating ectopic pregnancy, namely, the removal of the embryo from the tube (salpingostomy) and the use of methotrexate. This article examines the major arguments in favor of... more
- by Sam Howard
Abstract. Critically reflecting on qualitative human centred design approaches reveals concerns about the process of translation that occurs between the rich user insights generated in the wild to the systems that are finally built.... more
There are many challenges in developing information systems to support information intensive collaborative work such as weather forecasting. The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has instituted the forecast streamlining and enhancement... more
Abstract The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), faced with the challenge of meeting rising end-user expectations and managing associated increases in the workload of its forecasters, has initiated the Forecast Streamlining and... more
Abstract BreastScreen Tasmania (BST) is a health service organisation with a complex information ecology dominated by information integration and work practice standardization embodied in the client record. The client record is oriented... more
Abstract This dissertation presents a multi-method research approach for the systematic study of wicked problem domains (Rittel, 1984 [1972]), developed through an investigation of an information system (IS) within a health service... more
Abstract One year on from the ALTC Learning and Teaching Academic Standards (LTAS) Project for Science, it is time to take stock of how the outcomes of that project are being implemented. In this paper, we shall discuss the current... more
Academic and business environments increasingly accept the utility of diverse qualitative research approaches for informing the design, implementation and evaluation of information systems. However, there are concerns that inherent... more
This study aimed to understand the complexity of community knowledge brokering through a case study of the work practices and information management processes of a community recruitment and education officer within Breast Screen Tasmania... more
We describe the planning for evaluation research using a curriculum initiative project as a case study. The project was to design a generic Global Perspectives (GP) learning program to embed in first year units of study offered by the... more
Abstract At the same time as major constraints are being imposed on the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's (BoM) resources there are rising levels of end-user expectations about the availability, quality and delivery of weather services.... more
There are many qualitative approaches that aim to improve information systems design, particularly for HCI. However, there are translation issues which make IS design difficult, particularly for complex and socially sensitive settings.... more
ePortfolio software applications provide a range of functionality that can be used to provide students with structured learning experiences and assessment at individual and group level. To date, the authors have varied their use of... more
The color pink plays a crucial role in breast cancer awareness information delivery as the “pink ribbon” is established as an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. One commonly understood purpose of using a specific color is... more