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This article is based in the Evaluation of the innovative non-formal early childhood called (PROPEDEINE that took place in Puno Peru and set basis for the non-formal early childhood programmes in Latin America. The programme was... more
Los programas de Educación Inicial no escolarizada se iniciaron en el Perú a finales de la década del 60, constituyéndose en esfuerzos pioneros en la Región andina y en el continente Latinoamericano.Esta primera evaluación integral... more
The paper established the strong linkages between early Childhood, Human development and National happiness. Human development identified with expression of freedom and well being, has its seeds in the early years of life and the... more
Based on a holistic perspective we understand education as a life-long process that reaffirms identities, cultures and epistemologies and the intergenerational transmission of knowledge is fundamental to this process. In the original... more
Peace Museums should serve as a space to share spirits and wisdom to create society where people believe in humanity, overcome differences and join together, to imagine and conquer all sorts of violence that inhibits self-realization.... more
The author Martha Llanos has lived with indigenous people in Peru, Nepal, India, Lesotho and nomads from Sudan. She initiated her professional life as researcher in the field of poverty and human development, patterns of child rearing,... more
El presente documento presentado en el Congreso Mundial del CID Unesco sobre Investigación en Danza en Malaga, Espana en el 2009 representa un resumen de la investigación pionera en el uso de las Artes para el mejoramiento de la calidad... more
The following article is devoted to emphasize the role of play in situations of Emergencies whether caused by natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and other or cause by human beings such as wars and armed conflicts,... more
La historia de la Educación Inicial en el Perú representa un esfuerzo innovador de atención a los niños menores de cinco años. Analizando y reflexionando sobre sus cimientos y paradigmas, es especialmente la creación de los programas no... more
Arts in its different forms have the power to contribute to human development. It is an essential part within the education of children and youth. In 2010 the global Summit about Arts Education took place in Korea, now 10 years later we... more