Books by Syafruddin Rauf
Jaringan sungai dan Daerah Liran Sungai (DAS) BP Jeneberang yang berpengaruh terhadap BANJIR DI K... more Jaringan sungai dan Daerah Liran Sungai (DAS) BP Jeneberang yang berpengaruh terhadap BANJIR DI KOTA MAKASSAR
Traffic congestion problems in the area of education is a problem that must be addressed, especia... more Traffic congestion problems in the area of education is a problem that must be addressed, especially in the city of Makassar. it happens due to the large volume of traffic around the area of education that lead to urban transportation problems such as traffic congestion, air pollution and noise pollution .. This study aimed to analyze the social and economic characteristics of the trip students into public universities in Makassar. The method used is the spatial analysis and determine the pattern of residential students using open source QGIS program. The analysis showed generally college students to use motorcycles, and student residential patterns are clusters.
Peta Jaringan Jalan Kecamatan Rappocini Kota makassar
peta Jaringan Jalan Kecamatam Biringkanaya Kota Makassar, dengan menggunakan Program QGIS dan OSM

Travel behavior to campus is the primary journey that has a large enough proportion of the trip, ... more Travel behavior to campus is the primary journey that has a large enough proportion of the trip, especially in Makassar that affect the performance of roads around campus. Travel behavior to campus is influenced by socioeconomic variables and spatial variables. This study aims to: 1) To Analyzing the characteristics of the travel behavior of students to campus at public universities in Makassar; 2) Analyzing the regression model of residence location choice based socioeconomic factors and spatial factors; 3) To analyze the spatial patterns of residential location of the college students in Makassar, in terms of geographical distribution and identify hotspots.Metode used method of regression and spatial location of the shelter anlisa students at the University of Hasanuddin Makassar. Regression analysis showed a significant association between living costs of students with the direct distance between the campus and residential location. The other thing is a significant relationship between the cost of transport to the Distance trip to campus. Furthermore, spatial analysis methods Hotspot and isolines for student residential location.

ABSTRACT: The urban road network plays a key role in the urban spatial structure. It is the main ... more ABSTRACT: The urban road network plays a key role in the urban spatial structure. It is the main city social-economy
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students
Peta Kecamatan Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan

Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata di Kota Makassar kini telah menjadi salah satu alternative transporta... more Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata di Kota Makassar kini telah menjadi salah satu alternative transportasi umum bagi masyarakat karena itu perlu diketahui karakteristik perjalanan penumpang untuk menjawab tantangan – tantangan bagi penyelenggaraan Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata sehingga dapat dilakukan pembenahan dan perbaikan dari segi pelayanan untuk konsumennya. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi (OD) tujuan perjalanan penumpang Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata, dan menilai tingkat kepuasan penumpang dari segi fasilitas dan kinerja Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata. Penelitian dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner dilapangan pada penumpang Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata. Metodologi yang digunakan pada pengambilan sampel adalah sample random sampling dengan jumlah sampel yang diperlukan adalah 168 responden yang bersedia mengisi angket kuisioner, 94 orang diantaranya sebagai responden kuisioner Karakteristik Penumpang Rute Mall Panakukang – Lapangan Karebosi, 56 orang lainnya sebagai responden Karakteristik Penumpang Rute Simpang 5 Bandara – Terminal Baru Sungguminasa dan 18 orang lainnya sebagai responden Karakteristik. Variabel pengamatan terdiri dari tiga bagian, yaitu karakteristik sosiodemografi, karakteristik perjalanan dan pendapat penumpang tentang kinerja dan fasilitas bus. Dari hasil kuisioner dapat diusulkan suatu rekomendasi peningkatan atau perbaikan pelayanan penumpang bus, kepada Perum Damri Cabang Kota Makassar selaku operator Bus Rapid Trans Mamminasata. 1. Pendahuluan Jasa transportasi merupakan salah satu dari kebutuhan manusia yang sangat penting. Mobilitas yang sangat cepat dari masyarakat baik yang tinggal di desa maupun di kota membutuhkan alat-alat transportasi untuk membantu kelangsungan hidup mereka. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya jasa transportasi, Departemen Perhubungan menyediakan berbagai macam fasilitas transportasi baik jalur darat, jalur laut, maupun jalur udara. Perusahaan jasa transportasi adalah suatu unit kegiatan ekonomi yang terletak pada suatu tempat tertentu yang menyediakan jasa angkutan penumpang, dan atau barang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain dengan menggunakan alat angkutan bermotor maupun tidak bermotor melalaui darat, air maupun udara dengan mendapat balas jasa. Dapat dikatakan jasa transportasi pada saat ini merupakan suatu sarana yang sangat dibutuhkan bagi berbagai sendi kehidupan. Di era pembangunan yang semakin berkembang, industri manufaktur dan jasa di Indonesia telah banyak mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat dibandingkan dengan masa-masa sebelumnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari semakin banyaknya produsen yang terlibat dalam pemenuhan dan keinginan konsumen sehingga menyebabkan setiap perusahaan harus menempatkan orientasi pada konsumen sebagai tujuan utama. Perusahaan harus menawarkan kepada pelanggan barang atau jasa yang mempunyai nilai lebih tinggi, dengan mutu lebih baik, harga lebih murah, fasilitas yang memadai dan pelayanan yang lebih baik daripada pesaingnya. Jasa transportasi merupakan salah satu dari kebutuhan manusia yang sangat penting. Mobilitas yang sangat cepat dari masyarakat baik yang tinggal di desa maupun di kota membutuhkan alat-alat transportasi untuk membantu kelangsungan hidup mereka. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya jasa transportasi, Departemen Perhubungan menyediakan berbagai macam fasilitas transportasi baik jalur darat, jalur laut, maupun jalur udara. Perusahaan jasa transportasi adalah suatu unit kegiatan ekonomi yang terletak pada suatu tempat tertentu yang menyediakan jasa angkutan penumpang, dan atau barang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain dengan menggunakan alat angkutan bermotor maupun tidak bermotor melalaui darat, air maupun udara dengan mendapat balas jasa. Dapat dikatakan jasa transportasi pada saat ini merupakan suatu sarana yang sangat dibutuhkan bagi berbagai sendi kehidupan. Kota Makassar kini telah berkembang pesat menjadi kota metropolitan yang mengakibatnya tingginya aktifitas di bandara, baik itu untuk bisnis, keluarga, maupun sekedar berwisata, sehingga kebutuhan akan transportasi dari bandara menuju ke kota semakin dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah masyarakat Makassar dalam menunjang segala kebutuhan mobilitasnya. Oleh karena
Traffic congestion problems in the area of education is a problem that must be addressed, especia... more Traffic congestion problems in the area of education is a problem that must be addressed, especially in the city of Makassar. it happens due to the large volume of traffic around the area of education that lead to urban transportation problems such as traffic congestion, air pollution and noise pollution .. This study aimed to analyze the social and economic characteristics of the trip students into public universities in Makassar. The method used is the spatial analysis and determine the pattern of residential students using open source QGIS program. The analysis showed generally college students to use motorcycles, and student residential patterns are clusters.

ABSTRACT: The urban road network plays a key role in the urban spatial structure. It is the main ... more ABSTRACT: The urban road network plays a key role in the urban spatial structure. It is the main city social-economy
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students

Travel behavior to campus is the primary journey that has a large enough proportion of the trip, ... more Travel behavior to campus is the primary journey that has a large enough proportion of the trip, especially in Makassar that affect the performance of roads around campus. Travel behavior to campus is influenced by socioeconomic variables and spatial variables. This study aims to: 1) To Analyzing the characteristics of the travel behavior of students to campus at public universities in Makassar; 2) Analyzing the regression model of residence location choice based socioeconomic factors and spatial factors; 3) To analyze the spatial patterns of residential location of the college students in Makassar, in terms of geographical distribution and identify hotspots.Metode used method of regression and spatial location of the shelter anlisa students at the University of Hasanuddin Makassar. Regression analysis showed a significant association between living costs of students with the direct distance between the campus and residential location. The other thing is a significant relationship between the cost of transport to the Distance trip to campus. Furthermore, spatial analysis methods Hotspot and isolines for student residential location.

ABSTRAK PEMETAAN PERKEMBANGAN TATA GUNA LAHAN PADA JALAN TOL KOTA MAKASSAR Salah satu tujuan utam... more ABSTRAK PEMETAAN PERKEMBANGAN TATA GUNA LAHAN PADA JALAN TOL KOTA MAKASSAR Salah satu tujuan utama perencanaan setiap tata guna lahan dan sistem transportasi adalah untuk menjamin adanya keseimbangan yang efisien antara aktifitas tata guna lahan dengan kemampuan transportasi Pola tata guna lahan kota yang sesuai dengan fungsi dan kegiatan penduduk dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui bentuk, karakter atau profil dari perjalanan penduduk kota. Studi kasus tata guna lahan pada Jalan Tol Reformasi dan Ir.Sutami menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan guna lahan yang signifikan pada beberapa wilayah yang berpengaruh baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pengembangan Jalan Tol. Dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) menggunakan aplikasi Open Source Quantum GIS Wroclaw 1.7.2. menjadikan sebuah sistem untuk memasukkan, menyimpan, memanggil kembali, mengolah (memanipulasi), menganalisis, dan menghasilkan data bereferensi geografis atau data geospasial, untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan dan pengelolaan suatu wilayah. Klasifikasi Zona Buffer pada jalan Tol Makassar berpngaruh secara signifikan. Zona 1 yang merupakan kawasan dengan aksesbilitas Tinggi merupakan kawasan dengan proporsi pembangunan tertinggi dalam kurun waktu 2007-2010 mencapai 29,64%. Kata Kunci: Tata Guna Lahan, Jalan Tol, RTRW, zona Buffer, Quantum GIS opensource.
Papers by Syafruddin Rauf
Jurnal Transportasi, 2009
The location of high school is a place where traffic jam frequently occurs. Therefore, the select... more The location of high school is a place where traffic jam frequently occurs. Therefore, the selection of school locations should consider the trips generated by the school activities. The purpose of this study is to develop trip generation models for the school areas. Surveys were conducted at five state high school locations in Makassar city. The results show that the amount of trips to bring students to school is affected by the total school area, the number of class rooms, and the area of class rooms. Meanwhile, the amount of trips to pickup student is influenced by upon the total school area and the area of class rooms Keywords: trip generation, school activity, school area, and area of class rooms.
Prosiding Forum Studi Transportasi antar Perguruan Tinggi, Oct 1, 2018
Books by Syafruddin Rauf
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students
Papers by Syafruddin Rauf
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students
activities and especially travelling to campus and transportation carrier. Today, more and more researches pay attention
on road network. One of the most important problems is how to evaluate the accessibility of road network. This paper
tries to discuss it. Firstly, road accessibility concept and some appraisal methods are discussed. Then, the spatial
analysis method on road network assessment has established based on the GIS spatial analysis technology, some urban
road network accessibility evaluation models are built up. The models use QGIS and open street map and focus on the
road connectivity, the shortest travel time and the weighted average travel time. Indicators, introduced theory basis of
the model construction process. Taking Makassar city as an example, the models were tested using the urban road
network accessibility evaluation models are discussed.
Keywords: The urban road network, socio-economy factors, accessibility, QGIS, open street map, graduate students