Програми для Android
Fast Charger Pro 5X
Fast Charger Pro 5X Android Додатки
Save your battery and check its status at all timesFast Charger Pro 5X is a battery saver app that, in addition to telling you your battery level, helps to optimize its use. It also offers other important information about the status of your battery.
The app has three main sections: the first one shows you the status of your battery's charge along with warnings or advice to save your battery as much as possible. Also in the first section, you can tap the 'optimize' button to increase your battery saving by making a few minor changes.
In the app's second section, you can activate or deactivate the features on your device that use the most battery power: WiFi, Bluetooth, brightness, rotation, silent mode, and screen timeout. From here, you can access all these functions and activate or deactivate them to save more battery.
Lastly, the app offers an assessment that explains your battery status: temperature, voltage, level, technology, and health. If you want your battery to last as long as possible, then you need to take Fast Charger Pro 5X for a spin.
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