Theresa Calvet
UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais, Philosophy, Retired (Professor) and Collaborator Professor Law Graduate School
Post-doctoral study in Contemporary Philosophy at the Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (CAPES Scholarship), 1983-1984.
Ph.D. ["Docteur"] in Political and Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 1977 [PhD Dissertation on Peirce: Signe ou Symbole: Introduction à la Théorie Sémiotique de C. S. Peirce; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière; jury members: Prof. Dr. Salvador Garcia Bardon, Prof. Dr. Enrico Carontini, Prof. Dr. André Berten, Prof. Dr. Pascale Frognier-Delfosse and Prof. Dr. Jacques Rémy (jury president)]. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Fellowship, 1972-1974.
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) / CAPES Short-Term Research Scholarship at the Hannah Arendt Zentrum of Carl von Ossietzky University, in Oldenburg, Germany (December 2001-March 2002).
[Undergraduate studies in Political and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Leuven (Belgium): "Candidature" [B. A.], Université Catholique de Louvain 1968. Graduate studies in Political and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Leuven (Belgium): "Licence" [M. A] with High Distinction in Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Leuven (Belgium), 1971 [Master's thesis on the work of Julia Kristeva: 'Sociologie de la littérature', 'Sémiologie', Sémanalyse: Introduction au Texte et sa Science; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière].
Teaching experience in Philosophy and Linguistics (1977-2003): Undergraduate courses (Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Fundamentals of the Social Sciences, History of Contemporary Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy, Topics in Political Philosophy, Topics in Modern Philosophy, History of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, History of Mediaeval Philosophy); Graduate courses (Semiotics and Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Generative Transformational Grammar, Semantics of English, Principles of General Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, Hume and Empiricism, Philosophical Approach to the Work of Freud, Cultural Anthropology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Political Philosophy, Ontology, Political Theory and Analysis, German Idealism, Topics in Social and Political Philosophy).
Retired Professor since August 2003 (Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte).
Collaborator Professor Law Graduate School (Federal University of Minas Gerais) April 2016 - August 2022.
CV: [Home Address: Caixa Postal 930/ 30161-970 Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais / Brasil].
Ph.D. ["Docteur"] in Political and Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 1977 [PhD Dissertation on Peirce: Signe ou Symbole: Introduction à la Théorie Sémiotique de C. S. Peirce; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière; jury members: Prof. Dr. Salvador Garcia Bardon, Prof. Dr. Enrico Carontini, Prof. Dr. André Berten, Prof. Dr. Pascale Frognier-Delfosse and Prof. Dr. Jacques Rémy (jury president)]. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Fellowship, 1972-1974.
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) / CAPES Short-Term Research Scholarship at the Hannah Arendt Zentrum of Carl von Ossietzky University, in Oldenburg, Germany (December 2001-March 2002).
[Undergraduate studies in Political and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Leuven (Belgium): "Candidature" [B. A.], Université Catholique de Louvain 1968. Graduate studies in Political and Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain, in Leuven (Belgium): "Licence" [M. A] with High Distinction in Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Leuven (Belgium), 1971 [Master's thesis on the work of Julia Kristeva: 'Sociologie de la littérature', 'Sémiologie', Sémanalyse: Introduction au Texte et sa Science; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jean Ladrière].
Teaching experience in Philosophy and Linguistics (1977-2003): Undergraduate courses (Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Fundamentals of the Social Sciences, History of Contemporary Philosophy, History of Modern Philosophy, Topics in Political Philosophy, Topics in Modern Philosophy, History of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, History of Mediaeval Philosophy); Graduate courses (Semiotics and Semantics, Psycholinguistics, Generative Transformational Grammar, Semantics of English, Principles of General Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, Hume and Empiricism, Philosophical Approach to the Work of Freud, Cultural Anthropology, Philosophical Hermeneutics, Political Philosophy, Ontology, Political Theory and Analysis, German Idealism, Topics in Social and Political Philosophy).
Retired Professor since August 2003 (Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte).
Collaborator Professor Law Graduate School (Federal University of Minas Gerais) April 2016 - August 2022.
CV: [Home Address: Caixa Postal 930/ 30161-970 Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais / Brasil].
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Papers and translations by Theresa Calvet
Published in Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies:
Proceedings of the XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy of the Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. Marcelo Galuppo, Mônica Sette Lopes, Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo, Karine Salgado and Thomas Bustamante (eds.). Belo Horizonte/MG: Initia Via, 2015 (E-book), pp. 1013-1029.
This paper was published, in November 2017, in Direito & Práxis ( Rio de Janeiro), Vol. 08, N. 3, pp. 2173-2198.
Published in Human Rights, Rule of Law and the Contemporary Social Challenges in Complex Societies:
Proceedings of the XXVI World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy of the Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie. Marcelo Galuppo, Mônica Sette Lopes, Lucas de Alvarenga Gontijo, Karine Salgado and Thomas Bustamante (eds.). Belo Horizonte/MG: Initia Via, 2015 (E-book), pp. 1013-1029.
This paper was published, in November 2017, in Direito & Práxis ( Rio de Janeiro), Vol. 08, N. 3, pp. 2173-2198.
Adding a correction:
I made a blunder at the very end of my second lecture on June 29, 2023, when I said that the text of Michel Foucault’s lecture “Qu’est-ce que la Critique?” [What is Critique?] given to the French Society of Philosophy on May 27, 1978, following his return from an extended stay in Japan, and first published only ten years later in Bulletin de la Société française de philosophie, t. LXXXIV, n. 2 (1990), pp. pp. 35-63 – surprisingly or strangely omitted both from Dits et Ecrits [1994] and from Cahiers de l’Herne N. 95: Foucault [2011] –, and praised Gabriela Lafetá Borges’ Portuguese translation of this lecture, published online [], but insisted that one could not find this lecture in print, I was fortunate that Prof. Marcelo Cattoni immediately checked his smartphone and in a second found out that not only this lecture together with “La culture de soi” (1983) was published in Paris (France), in 2015, by Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, and also in Lisbon (Portugal), in 2017, by Edições Texto & Grafia. I do thank Prof. Marcelo Cattoni for this correction.
In fact this lecture was already translated by Kevin Paul Geiman, and published in 1996, in James Schmidt (ed.), What is Enlightenment? Eighteenth-century answers and twentieth-century questions [Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, pp. 382-398.], and also by Lysa Hochroth, published in Los Angeles (California), in 1997, by Semiotext(e) in Sylvère Lotringer (ed.), Politics of truth, pp. 23-82. These two texts - “What is Critique?” and “The Culture of the Self” - are also announced to be published, in 2024, by The University of Chicago Press.
In fact it was Foucault reading Kant and Yves-Charles Zarka reading Kant - a great short course with the very best students (I was quite lucky to have such an audience).
Michel Foucault, Le gouvernement de soi et des autres (Cours au Collège de France. 1982-1983). Frédéric Gros (ed.). Paris: Seuil/Gallimard, 2008, pp. 25-39.
I. Kant, "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?" [1784].
----- . "Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf" [1795].
Yves Charles Zarka - "Cosmopolitisme et hospitalité chez Kant", in: Kant cosmopolitique (Yves Charles Zarka and Caroline Guibet Lafaye), Paris: Éditions de l'éclat, 2008, pp. 19-30.
------(avec la collaboration de Cynthia Fleury), Difficile Tolérance. Paris: PUF, 2004.
----. L' inappropriabilité de la Terre. Principe d'une refondation philosophique. Paris: Armand Colin, 2013.
-------. Refonder le cosmopolitisme. Paris: PUF, 2014.
E. Husserl, H. Bergson, M. Heidegger, P. Ricoeur.
Added Bibliography:
Badiou, Alain. “Le sujet supposé chrétien de Paul Ricoeur” [Autour de Paul Ricoeur, La Mémoire, l'histoire, l'oubli, Paris, Le Seuil, 2000], in L’aventure de la philosophie française. Paris: La Fabrique, 2012, pp. 81-98.
Derrida, Jacques. Mal d’archive. Une impression freudienne (London, June 5, 1994: International Conference Memory: The Question of Archives). Paris: Galilée, 1995 (Portuguese translation Claudia de Moraes Rego: Mal de Arquivo. Uma impressão freudiana, Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 2001).
Dosse, François. Paul Ricoeur. Les sens d’une vie. Paris: La Découverte, 1997.
Dosse, François; Goldenstein, Catherine. Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire. Paris: Seuil: 2013.
Fogu, Claudio et al. (eds.). Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture. Cambridge (Mass,): Harvard University Press, 2016 (read the Epilogue: "Interview with Saul Friedländer", pp. 411-425).
Friedlander, Saul (ed.) - Probing the Limits of Representation - Nazism and the "Final Solution". Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1992.
Ginzburg, Carlo. "Just One Witness", in Friedlander, Saul (ed.) - Probing the Limits of Representation - Nazism and the "Final Solution". Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1992 pp. 82-96.
La pensée Ricoeur, Revue Esprit No. 323 (2006), pp. 1-318.
Lévi-Strauss, Claude. Race et Histoire [1952]. Paris: Gonthier, 1961 [Tradução de Inácia Canelas: Raça e História, Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1980 (3ª edição)].
Margalit, Avishai. The Ethics of Memory. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 1996.
Memory, History, Forgiveness. A Dialogue Between Paul Ricoeur and Sorin Antohi [March 10, 2003], Janus Head, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2005), pp. 8-25.
Pomian, Krysztof. "De l'histoire, partie de la mémoire, à la mémoire, objet d'histoire", Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, No. 1 (1998), pp . 63-110.
---------. Sur l’histoire. Paris: Gallimard, 1999.
---------. "Sur les rapports de la mémoire et de l'histoire", Le Débat 2002/5 (n° 122), p. 32-40.
Revel, Judith - Dictionnaire Foucault, Paris: Ellipses, 2008, [“Archéologie”, “Archive”], pp. 13-16.
Ricoeur, Paul. "Expliquer et comprendre. Sur quelques connexions remarquables entre la théorie du texte, la théorie de l'action et la théorie de l'histoire. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, tome 75, n°25, 1977, pp. 126-147.
---------. Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle. Paris: Editions Esprit, 1995.
--------. "L'écriture de l'histoire et la représentation du passé". In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, n. 4, 2000, pp. 731-747.
----------. Vivant jusqu'à la mort. Paris: Seuil, 2007.
Todorov, Tzvetan. Les abus de la mémoire [1992]. Paris: Arléa, 2004.
Contextualização. Ernst Fraenkel: Estado de Prerrogativas X Estado Normativo entre teoria e realidade. Franz Neumann: Política nacional-socialista e economia monopolista totalitária. Alemanha nazista: fim do Estado?
EMENTA: Da concepção minimalista da democracia defendida em 1999 por Adam Przeworski à sua obra Crises of Democracy (2019) e da crítica aprofundada da teoria democrática que estrutura o populismo tal como foi elaborada por Pierre Rosanvallon em sua obra Le siècle du populisme (2020), esta disciplina visa uma reflexão crítica de duas obras recentes que nos permitem talvez constituir uma alternativa forte à oferta populista.
SUBTEMA Crises da Democracia e crítica democrática do populismo: Dialogando com Adam Przeworski e Pierre Rosanvallon
EMENTA Da concepção minimalista da democracia defendida em 1999 por Adam Przeworski à sua obra Crises of Democracy (2019) e da crítica aprofundada da teoria democrática que estrutura o populismo tal como foi elaborada por Pierre Rosanvallon em sua obra Le siècle du populisme (2020), esta disciplina visa uma reflexão crítica de duas obras recentes que nos permitem talvez constituir uma alternativa forte à oferta populista.
SUBTEMA: Crises da Democracia e crítica democrática do populismo: Dialogando com Adam Przeworski e Pierre Rosanvallon
EMENTA - Da concepção minimalista da democracia defendida em 1999 por Adam Przeworski à sua obra Crises of Democracy (2019) e da crítica aprofundada da teoria democrática que estrutura o populismo tal como foi elaborada por Pierre Rosanvallon em sua obra Le siècle du populisme (2020), esta disciplina visa uma reflexão crítica de duas obras recentes que nos permitem talvez constituir uma alternativa forte à oferta populista
obra The Human Condition [1958], mas de retomar e criticar Arendt e a sua concepção do totalitarismo, da ação, do pensamento, do político e da politica
Para definir o fascismo, temos de escrever sua história. Trata-se, assim, nesta disciplina de elucidar os dados históricos concretos que presidem ao nascimento dos fascismos e, também, de explicitar o “populismo” como uma patologia política (a forma extrema da antipolítica) e a emergência de múltiplos partidos de extrema-direita ou movimentos que reúnem um certo número de traços comuns às diversas famílias da direita radical. O preâmbulo desta disciplina e o seu epilogo podem ser considerados com um pano de fundo para o que será apresentado e questionado.