Stock Price
Daily Change
-0.15 -0.29%
Q1 Forecast

Peers Price Chg Day Year Date
ADP 310.93 -0.91 -0.29% 22.05% Feb/21
Broadridge Financial Solutions 235.20 -0.94 -0.40% 19.65% Feb/21
CBIZ 83.96 -1.52 -1.78% 12.25% Feb/21
H&R Block 52.27 -0.15 -0.29% 9.15% Feb/21
Intuit 565.28 -13.68 -2.36% -14.08% Feb/21

H&R Block traded at $52.27 this Friday February 21st, decreasing $0.15 or 0.29 percent since the previous trading session. Looking back, over the last four weeks, H&R Block lost 1.84 percent. Over the last 12 months, its price rose by 9.15 percent. Looking ahead, we forecast H&R Block to be priced at 54.55 by the end of this quarter and at 52.32 in one year, according to Trading Economics global macro models projections and analysts expectations.