Logic ModelChange Management ModelsYoung EnterpriseTheory Of ChangeChange LeadershipOrganizational ChangeSuccessful TipsProgram EvaluationOrganization DevelopmentImpact & Evaluation - Young Enterprise NIYoung Enterprise is reaching 90,000 young people each year with our range of hands-on entrepreneurship skills programmes.3.6k
Logic ModelTheory Of ChangeSystems ThinkingProcess ImprovementLeadership ManagementBusiness LeadershipBusiness AnalysisChange ManagementCritical Thinking SkillsLogic ModelSquarespace2.2k
Logic ModelTheory Of ChangeGender EquitySystems ThinkingDisruptive TechnologyChange ManagementTalent ManagementIndustrial RevolutionStrategic PlanningWhat we learned while updating our Theory of Change | Accountability LabGrowing an organization requires regular stock taking to ensure that daily operations continue to align with the mission and impact. Seven years into the Lab’s journey, our global staff recently spent several months revisiting our Theory our Change. Over the years, the Lab has had several iterations of our Theories of Change (because we believe that it’s a living tool that should inform our ongoing work). In light of increased expansion in terms of geography, staff capacity and the variety…215
Change IllustrationTheory Of ChangeLondon PeopleGiving TuesdayNew DirectionsUnder The StarsBook DesignRubyVision BoardA New Direction (@A_New_Direction) on XCheck out our Theory of Change for #ChallengeLondon - beautifully illustrated by Lindsay Noble & Ruby Taylor 🎨 Find out more about the programme here: https://t.co/OzttcWhWh9Twitter Inc.11
Human Growth And Development NotesTheory Of Planned BehaviorLogic ModelVygotsky Zone Of Proximal DevelopmentHuman Development Index EconomicsTheory Of Change InfographicOrganizational CommunicationVisual AnalyticsTheory Of ChangeOxfam-Youth-Participation-Theory-of-ChangeOxfam-Youth-Participation-Theory-of-Change - Download as a PDF or view online for free126
Logic Model InfographicTheory Of Change InfographicLogic ModelChange Management ModelsPlanning ExcelTheory Of ChangeChange LeadershipProgram EvaluationSystems Theorytheory of change – Chris WarhamPosts about theory of change written by Chris Warham814
Community Development ProjectsAsset MappingCommunity Engagement IdeasLogic ModelCommunity CollaborationTheory Of ChangeMutual AidIntentional CommunityDesign Thinking ProcessCommunity Development Projects206
Change IllustrationEcology ArtDeep EcologyAnimal InfographicTheory Of ChangeConservation Of Natural ResourcesEnvironmental EducationNature PostersClimate ActionIllustrated Theory of Change for Wetlands International Europe“Freshwater wetlands are natural climate solutions to enhancing Mediterranean resilience to climate change”. Illustration of the Theory of Change, for Wetlands International Europe, a global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. Their vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the…656
Theory Of Change InfographicLogic ModelReport InfographicTheory Of ChangeLeadership ModelsChange LeadershipWorkshop ToolsSchool ToolStaff TrainingGlobal Health Research Centres - Theory of ChangeTheory of Change to illustrate to potential applicants to the NIHR Global Health Research Centres funding call a selection of example activities, outputs, and outcomes that could support delivery of the centres programme's core aims, objectives, and funding criteria.57