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Terms And Conditions

top one partners

The following terms and conditions are focusing on delivering information to potential and current affiliates, sub-affiliates, and clients in order to provide them with a full display of all possible options and a clear image of TopOnePartners activity. It`s important to create an honest, open, and fair environment in order to build a strong and respectful partnership and make a cooperation between parties as comfortable as possible.

  1. Affiliate Marketing Agreement

1.1 The following agreement which is formed by these terms and conditions is a contract. It includes such parties as (hereinafter `TOP`) that is an online casino affiliate program and an Affiliate.

1.2 It`s highly important to get a clear understanding of your legal rights and obligations so make sure you go through all parts of these terms and conditions. The moment you sign up to TOP you`re obliged to stand for our values of a respectful and honest partnership and always take these terms into consideration while working on promotions.

1.3 A sign-up process is absolutely free of any charge and will always remain so. A membership doesn`t require any fees as well.

1.4 There is a possibility that TOP will have to change these terms and conditions and obviously, all changes will be displayed in an updated version and uploaded at TopOnePartners official website. Whenever terms and conditions change, all affiliates will be informed via an e-mail notification. In cases an Affiliate keeps on participating in the given program after terms and conditions were updated, it means that he/she accepted all changes. If an Affiliate doesn`t agree with an updated version of terms and conditions and the one doesn`t want to participate in a program anymore, then this Affiliate is supposed to inform TOP via an e-mail about a decision of termination.

  1. Definitions

2.1 (as referred here `TOP`) is a casino affiliate program.

2.2. Affiliate is a term that can be applied to an affiliate applicant, a company or an individual, which or who is sending traffic to brands under TOP affiliate program.

2.3 Brands (Sites) include all nominations listed on a section which you can reach by clicking on this link .

2.4 Tracking Links are all exclusive links that the casino affiliate program is providing partners with. Their purpose is to track the traffic and report on it.

2.5 Traffic is all guests who are being sent via TOP`s links from your marketing activities.

2.6 Tagged Players are those players that were referred to the sites using affiliate links and were effectively tracked.

2.7 RMP (the same as FTD) which stands for Real Money Player and First Time Depositor respectively. This is a denomination of all new depositing players.

2.8 Gross Win is a profit (can be either a negative or positive figure) that can be earned at an online casino prior to any deductions. This is a total amount lost by tagged players.

2.9 Net Gaming Revenue is a final profit (can be either a negative or positive figure as well) with already calculated deductions (withdrawals, chargebacks, individual commissions in specific cases), if there are any.

2.10 Commissions are earnings of affiliates that come from marketing activities concerning sites with related programs.

2.11 Spam is all unrequested messages which are being sent using personal contacts of players. This type of messages may include deceitful and inaccurate information that is aimed at increasing traffic.

2.12 Fraudulent Traffic is referred to a type of fraudulent actions such as (Using of VPN by players that came through affiliates link, making deposits using your own affiliate link, incentivized traffic, Spam or misleading traffic, Chargebacks or retrieval, multiple accounts in one name and other options that can damage reputation, payment solutions, profit of casino) that are aimed at taking advantage of an affiliate deal by misleading guests referred to brands, by making fake deposits, or in any other way that is considered to be a fraud.

  1. Marketing activities

3.1 You`re covering all expenses that are related to the brands` promotion and are associated with the program. It is a necessity to make sure that your link is working properly and after this, you can start a campaign. In case you require any kind of help, feel free to contact your affiliate manager. In order to get a good tracking, all affiliates are supposed to use an affiliate link. In case traffic is lost because of link manipulation (that could be either purposeful or accidental), it can`t be reversed.

3.2 It is absolutely crucial for you to give TOP accurate and adequate contact information. This personal information will not be shared with the third parties and it will be used solely for the purposes that are related to your payments and marketing activities. In case an identity of a certain affiliate account can`t be validated, the program has a right to withhold commissions.

3.3 TOP is paying a close attention to the brands reputation and it`s our obligation to guarantee the best promotion and marketing services. Therefore, we don`t find acceptable any of the following types of content that can possibly be associated with brands: pornographic, abusive, racist, sexist, chauvinistic, cyber-bullying, trolling, violent, the content discriminating against people`s religious beliefs, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and other types of unacceptable and hostile content.

3.4 Due to the fact that online casinos have an extremely strict policy when it comes to players` accounts security and personal data protection, affiliates won`t have an access to that information in case a casino player used an affiliate link.

  1. Compensation

4.1. A type of the deal determines an amount of compensation for an Affiliate.

4.1.1. Revenue sharing. TOP will be sharing Net Gaming Revenue with an affiliate in this deal. NGR is made of players that are tagged to a certain affiliate.

4.1.2. CPA Model. Affiliate will be paid for every depositing player in this deal. The details of this model have to be discussed with an affiliate manager.

4.2. The 2-tier model: When an active affiliate, refers new affiliates to the TOP, referring affiliate becomes sub-affiliate and will be receiving an equivalent of 2% of commissions generated by this newly registered affiliates.

4.4. Negative carryover: TOP does not feature a negative carryover.

4.5. Negative balance: due to the fraud prevention policy, TOP reserves the right to review accounts with negative balance.

4.6 Affiliate or Referral Company`s payments are being made on a monthly basis on request. There is no precise date for the payment to be issued, though TOP will ensure to do its best in order to execute the payment by mid-month . In case a sum of a payment is under $200, this payment will be accessible the following month when it reaches the amount of a $200 or more.

4.7. In case an Affiliate or Referral Company happens to violate these terms and conditions, TOP reserves the right to withhold payments.

4.8. TOP has the right to refuse to cover personal losses of an Affiliate who at the same time, happens to be a player.

4.9. In case TOP gets a return of funds on a transaction from a customer who was referred by an Affiliate, TOP has a right to overturn a current commission or deduct this commission from following payments.

4.10. If there are any Bank Fees and Fraud Costs that are incurred to your account, TOP may pass them on.

  1. Reporting

5.1. All affiliates have an easy and charge-free access to reports of an activity of players that were referred by them via links that are provided by the program. This information is necessary for calculating your monthly commissions properly and accurately.

  1. Term & Termination

6.1 Any affiliate has an opportunity to terminate a contract after it was submitted via (it will be submitted after completing a signup). A written notice is a necessity in this case.

6.2. These terms and conditions aren`t supposed to be broken under any circumstances. If an affiliate ignores this point, TOP may terminate a contract immediately.

6.3. During an investigation, an Affiliate Program has a right to retain commissions (continuously or temporarily). Lifetime commissions can be withheld due to the consequence of a certain issue.

6.4 An Affiliate program can break a contract immediately in case an affiliate fails to follow rules and requests determined by these terms&conditions or his actions may potentially cause harm to the program or a brand.

6.5 After a contract was brought to an end, it`s an affiliate`s obligation to withdraw all marketing-related materials due to the intellectual property right.

6.6 After a contract is terminated, no further traffic will be taken into consideration and it won`t be regarded as a prolongation of a contract.

6.7 In order to make sure that all requirements were followed thoroughly and all investigating processes are completed, marketing payments may be delayed by 180 days. In case an investigation isn`t over yet, marketing payments will be withheld for more than 180 days until the very end of an investigation.

6.8 A termination of a contract can also be caused by any kinds of illegal activities and/or villainy which are aimed at the program itself or its staff.

6.9 It`s strictly forbidden for affiliates to pull off an attempt to earn additional money by referring themselves to a casino or an affiliate program. Such move will be regarded as a commission structure abuse and may result in an undetermined suspension of your account.

  1. Obligations

7.1 Players` ability to deposit can be blocked in order to limit a possibility of a counterfeit traffic appearance and avoid misuse of the brands. Such move can be made without any warning.

7.2 Affiliates are supposed to do their best to limit a delivery of fraudulent traffic from their links. Address your affiliate manager to discuss all possible concerns that may come along the way.

7.3 Affiliate managers will be exerting maximum efforts to achieve an effective retaining of players sent by affiliates.