this post is blacklisted because it contains food and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. click here to view it.
this post is blacklisted because it contains nsfw and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. click here to view it.
this post is blacklisted because it contains other and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. click here to view it.
FAQ/what have you
- this blog is run by @birdlord5000
- I started this blog because some of my friends expressed that they enjoy watching tiktoks, but don’t want to download the app themselves. since i already had a tiktok, i thought i would make an archive of tiktoks that i thought they would enjoy. there are a lot more people following this blog than i expected, but i still just post with my friends in mind
- this is something i do in my spare time, so don’t expect consistent
posting. i also reblog tiktoks that other people have posted because
it’s easier than finding them and posting them myself
- following this blog does not automatically mean that you’re my friend! chances are, you know nothing about me. this isn’t me being hostile, i just like to set boundaries
speaking of…
- don’t interact with this blog if you’re a terf, racist, antisemite, or if you think it’s okay to write/draw porn of children/child characters. if i see that shit, i will block you
- currently i tag videos for nsfw audio and text, and for flashing lights. if you need something tagged, please let me know
- i caption videos with their creator and original caption to make sure that the creator is credited and their work represented in full. i don’t include tags because tags on tiktok are usually just for increasing exposure and often don’t have anything to do with the content of the video