Early Bug Detection Through Shift Left Testing
Early Bug Detection Through Shift Left Testing
Early Bug Detection Through Shift Left Testing
Abstract:- Shift-Left Testing is a preventive approach in unit testing, integration testing and the code analysis.
the SW development process of identifying and handling Automation is also involved in this approach where
defects where testing is performed before the flow developers are able to run tests consistently on the build
proceeds to the subsequent phases of SDLC. In most process.
situations, testing is done after development, and this
means that any defects get discovered later contributing to This is because the testing starts early in the
high costs and more time to complete the project. development phase and is done continuously; this helps in
Essentially, Shift-Left Testing implies that testing should minimizing the number of bugs that get to the ultimate stages
be conducted during the design or the coding stage and is of the project such as user acceptance testing or production
beneficial due to the fact that in those stages of phase. It also allows for quicker feedback loops to be
development, it is considerably less expensive to rectify provided to the developers so that they may solve problems
problems that are detected. It uses integrated strategies as they arise without having to escalate. Testing performed
including continuous integration, static code analysis and during the development phase improves the reliability of the
automated testing, in which the development and the test software and therefore improves on user satisfaction and
team work together from the start. Consequently, the reduces on the maintenance costs in the future. Therefore,
approach results in enhanced quality of the software, their shift-left testing as an early bug detection technique is a
development time, and minimization of the post-release beneficial approach that helps to produce excellent-quality
faults. Although Shift-Left Testing is changing many ways software quickly while reducing the dangers and delivery
in software development for the better, it has some time of products.
problems, for instance, changing organizational culture
and has high demands to test automation frameworks. A. Benefits of Shift-Left Testing for Early Bug Detection
The benefits of shift-left testing for early bug detection
Keywords:- Shift-Level Testing, Early Bug Detection, are substantial and play a crucial role in improving the overall
Software Quality Assurance, Test Automation, Software software development lifecycle. Some of the key advantages
Development Lifecycle (SDLC). include:
bugs is likely to occur in similar situations so that it can be Nama, Prathyusha (2023). presents a comprehensive
prevented. analysis of how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming
user interaction in mobile applications through intelligent
Williams, C. C., & Hollingsworth, J. K. (2005). Source features and context-aware services. The research highlights
code repositories mining is a useful approach that augments how AI-powered mobile apps leverage machine learning
bug searching techniques by employing historical data that algorithms to understand user behavior, provide personalized
could be available in repositories such as GitHub, GitLab or recommendations, and deliver intelligent, context-aware
Bitbucket. These sources consist of valuable data such as experiences. The study emphasizes the integration of various
commit histories, bug reports, code changes and developers’ AI-driven functionalities, including voice recognition,
discussions that can be helpful to understand bug patterns and natural language processing, and predictive analytics, which
code evolution. Through proper use of machine learning and collectively enhance user engagement and satisfaction while
data mining, one is able to discover patterns of where bugs improving accessibility for diverse user groups.
frequently occur, what types of bugs are usually found and
how bug correction develops over time. Exploring these The research also addresses critical implementation
repositories makes it possible to identify code smells, security challenges, particularly regarding privacy and data security in
flaws, and places with high bug density that explain high AI deployment. Through analysis of successful case studies
testing or refactoring priority. This approach can help build and emerging trends, Nama demonstrates how context-aware
models that will predict the future bugs based on patterns on services enable applications to respond dynamically to users'
the past defects and it will be possible to prevent things that environments and situations, leveraging data about location,
may hinder the proper running of the software. Automatic time, and activity to deliver tailored services. The findings
mining also contributes to the development of both static and suggest that while AI is revolutionizing mobile user
dynamic analysis tools as they are given actual bug data to interaction through features like content generation, digital
enhance the former’s capacity to detect even more intricate assistance, and predictive analytics, developers must
and sophisticated bugs. Through continual learning from vast carefully balance personalization with ethical considerations
amounts of code and bug fix data, these techniques can regarding user privacy. The study concludes that AI-powered
improve the effectiveness of today’s advanced bug finding mobile applications represent a significant advancement in
tools and the resulting software systems. user interaction, making experiences more intuitive and
personalized while emphasizing the need for continued
Yang, X., Chen, Y., Eide, E., et al (2011). Debugging research in areas such as Edge AI and conversational
bugs in C compilers is intricate since the inputs that compilers interfaces.
come across are vast and are rather complex. The process of
translation of high level human-readable C code into the III. METHODOLOGY
machine-readable code is done with the help of C compilers
that face multiple challenges in terms of the language The study shall use survey research with a mix of both
features, optimization levels, and hardware architectures. quantitative and qualitative research in establishing customer
Compiler bugs may result in a variety of scenarios such as the satisfaction with internet banking services across the different
wrong code being generated, a program halting or slowing demographic segments. This combination enables the
down. These bugs, in general, are detected with the help of researcher to understand the research problem in depth as it
various testing methods, including differential testing, which combines numerical data with the participants’ perception of
implies the comparison of the results of the same code the problem. The quantitative aspect will assist in
compilation with different compilers or with different determining the level of satisfaction of customers while the
options. qualitative will offer more information in relation to the
perception and experiences of customers. The target
Bader, J., Scott, A., et al (2019). Automated bug fixing population comprises the people aged between 18-60 years
is a new promising field that aims at using machine learning who engage in online banking. A purposive sampling
and artificial intelligence to correct faults in the software. It technique of stratified random sampling will be used so as to
is a technique which aims at decreasing the time that capture participants from different generations, occupation,
developers spend on debugging by delivering to them the and income status. It will be easier to ensure that the findings
most helpful information for bug identification, analysis and come from different point of views hence increasing the
resolution. Automated bug fixing is usually performed based generality of the results. The survey sample will be 300
on historical data of software repositories, bug reports, code respondents, whereas 20 in-depth interviews will be used to
modifications, and commit histories to learn common gain more insights into the respondents’ experiences in their
patterns and developers’ solutions. With these data, models own words.
can recommend or even execute fixes with similarities to the
bugs seen earlier. One way can be for example to apply the Keeping this in mind the primary data will be collected
neural networks or genetic algorithms to create patches for from customers via online survey which will have pre-
the faulty code. constructed questions for measuring the satisfaction level of
the customers about internet banking and factors that affect
their usage of internet banking services. Besides the aforesaid
surveys, exploratory will be conducted to get more details on
certain aspects of customer experience that may not
necessarily be reflected in quantitative statistics. Secondary longer time to release and poor quality software products.
data shall be gathered from journals, previous researches, and Most of the conventional testing techniques that are practiced
reports from the Indian banking sector, which will give wider after the development phase of a software also report bugs at
perspective about the study. Informed consent will be sought a later stage which increases problems such as time overrun,
from all participants in the study, so that the participants are increased costs, and unsatisfied customers. Specifically, as
fully aware of the nature of research to be conducted. To the size of software systems increases there is a higher
ensure the respondents’ confidentiality and privacy, their demand for early detection of bugs in order to avoid issues of
responses will also not be disclosed. In order to conduct the growth. As much as shift-left testing has provided a solution
research in an ethical manner, ethical clearances will be to this challenge, little is still known regarding how to apply
sought from the ethical committee of the institution. it in a variety of development settings and how it generates a
positive impact on the quality of software and its delivery
IV. RESEARCH PROBLEM time. This research problem therefore aims to identify the
techniques, methods, and approaches to adopt for the
Main research problem in this research is centered on incorporation of early testing into the development life cycle
the continuous difficulty of detecting and eradicating processes with the view of optimising the shift-left testing
software bugs at the early stage of development. Even with initiative. This is an important factor that can enable
agile development methodologies in place and the focus on movement from a model of continuously patching flawed
delivering software more frequently, it remains a challenge software to one where software developers design quality
for organizations to identify defects early in the development solutions from the onset.
life cycle, thereby suffering from extra development cycles,
Table 1: Comparison of Bug Detection Phases in Traditional Testing vs. Shift-Left Testing
Testing Phases Traditional Testing (Bugs Detected) Shift-Left Testing (Bugs Detected)
Requirements Gathering 2% 15%
Design 5% 20%
Development 10% 25%
Integration Testing 20% 25%
System Testing 30% 10%
User Acceptance Testing 20% 3%
Post-Deployment 13% 2%
Fig 1:
The table shows the effectiveness of traditional testing and shift-left testing identifies only 20% of bugs which shows
and shift-left testing of bugs in various stages of SDLC. In the that shift-left testing is more effective in comparison to a
traditional software testing approach, only 2% of the defects traditional way of testing. Likewise, during development,
are identified during the requirements gathering phase, while shift left testing offers 25% of bugs and 10% of traditional
in shift-left testing, 15% of the total defects are identified testing, which emphasis the testing during the coding.
which greatly emphasizes on the early phase of testing. In
design phase, the traditional testing identifies only 5% of bug
While in the integration testing phase, both detect about of bugs detected after the shift-left testing is also considerably
25% of the bugs, the difference is evident in other phases. It smaller, 2% in shift-left testing and 13% in the conventional
is found that 30 % of bugs are detected in system testing while testing, thus minimizing the need to correct issues that have
shift left testing identifies them at 10 % as many are made it into the production versions. In all, shift-left testing
eliminated. Traditional user acceptance testing contributes to is better placed to detect bugs early hence minimizing the
bug detection at 20% while shift-left contributes at 3% thus risks and costs that are incurred in bug fixes at later stages.
making the user experience more seamless. The percentage
The table shows how much it would cost to adopt shift advantage of testing as it progresses with coding. During
left testing against traditional testing at each phase of the integration testing it costs $5,000 in traditional testing while
development process. During the requirements gathering it costs $2,000 in shift-left testing because issues are detected
phase, the cost of handling problems in traditional testing early hence not complicated to solve. In the traditional
costs $500 while shift-left testing costs only $100; proving method of testing, system testing cost $7,000, while the user
that it is cheaper to test earlier. Likewise, in the design phase, acceptance test cost $10,000 but using the shift-left testing,
conventional testing costs $1, 000 but shift-left testing costs the cost is reduced to $3,000 cost for system testing and
$250 as it detects defects right from the onset. $5,000 for user acceptance testing. The largest gap is
observed in post-deployment where the traditional approach
And as the development increases, the difference in the costs $20,000 while shift-left testing costs $8,000. This table
cost between the two becomes more significant. During the shows reduced cost impact of shift-left testing as most of the
development phase, traditional testing takes $3,000 while root causes of costly rework and post-deployment fixes are
shift left testing takes $1,500 in the same phase, proving the caught and fixed early.