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How to Make Napalm? Homemade Recipe

Napalm is a thick, sticky substance that became popularly known because of its use in the Vietnam War.As an incendiary weapon, it causes a tremendous amount of damage.The purpose of this article is purely for academic reasons and not...

How To Measure 3/4 Cup Without Measuring Cup the Easy Way

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled like a pack of hungry wolves, and the rain pelted the windows like tiny little hammers. I was all cozied up in my bed, with my warm blankets and...

Does Vaseline Expire? Is Petroleum Jelly Safe or Toxic?

You probably googled this question as you have a tub of Vaseline that has been sitting in your medicine cabinet for years.First off, don't worry; chances are your Vaseline is probably still good. Vaseline is made from a mixture of...

Amish Store Directory & Market Locator: Find One Near You

Amish stores are a great place to find all sorts of things, from food and clothes to furniture and baked goods. They're also well known for their bulk foods, dehydrated goods and quality had made products which makes them...

How to Treat a Cut Using Duct Tape?

A cut is one of the most common injuries that happen when you least expect it. Whether you're working in the yard or cooking dinner, a sharp edge can quickly cause a deep cut. While minor cuts can usually...

How Many Cups Of Water Is In A Water Bottle? And Why Water Does the Body Good

It's a question that has plagued humanity for centuries: how many cups of water are in a water bottle? And now, at long last, we may have an answer.Ok fine, maybe it is not the same as those riddles...

How to Survive a Flood? Are You Prepared

Floods happen all over the world and are the most common and destructive natural disasters in the world. The magnitude and damage caused by flooding are something many people do not understand until it happens.Preparing for floods can be an overwhelming...

Alternative Home Remedies (Garlic, DE) to Get Rid of Pinworms

How can someone get rid of pinworms if they can't go to the doctor? There are several home treatments, but there isn't much scientific evidence around it.Garlic is a tried-and-true cure for pinworms. We know it kills worms and...

Safely Remove Ear Wax at Home Without a Q-tip

Most people do not need to worry about cleaning out their ears. Ear wax is there for protection so you should more than likely just leave it alone. The tiny hairs in your ears will usually remove it all...

Using Honey for Wounds in a Survival Situation: Storage & Uses

Honey has been used for thousands of years to heal wounds. Although there are many medicines out there, honey is an excellent alternative remedy that may be good to know if you run out or find yourself in an...

Uses For Vodka: 10 Uses For Your Health

Vodka is a distilled liquor made from rye, corn, wheat, potatoes, and even fruits. We all know it can get you drunk, but do you know that it comes packed with a bunch of medical uses?Vodka can be used...

How to Soothe a Boil and Bring to a Head by Yourself

Boils are a common, painful skin infection that usually occurs on the neck, face, or buttocks. They are caused by bacteria entering the skin through a break in the surface. Boils can be lanced at home if you have...

How to Read a Thermometer? And How Not to Make Common Mistakes

You would be surprised how many people can not use a thermometer correctly. If you need to read a temperature, then you should know how to do it properly. There are many ways to measure a temperature and many...

What Kind of Rash am I Looking at? Common Rashes for Kids with Photos

Everyone knows the difficulty of trying to diagnose a rash. You see red splotches everywhere. What do you do?Okay, you’ll probably call the hospital, or the nurse’s hotline, or your primary-care doc. You might even go to the hospital....

Relief From Fire Ant Bites: Easy Home Remedies

Here you are minding your own business, having a nice walk in the park, and before you know it, bam, you get stung. Often you do not even know what got you.You will most likely notice these guys crawling...

How to Prevent the Flu? For Survivalists in an Emergency

It's a bummer to get a cold or flu. Those types of flu that give you the aches and fever that prevent you from getting out of bed. These types of colds are the ones that just mess up...

How to Store Water for Long-Term Emergencies?

Many people exhibit some level of confusion when it comes to “treating” water for storage. Let’s see what we can do to eliminate some of that confusion!Put simply, the way you “treat” your water for storage depends on two...

First Steps To Build An Off the Grid House for Beginners

Thirty or forty years ago living off grid usually meant a pretty basic and rudimentary type of life.  A fireplace to heat things up in the winter and candles or oil lamps to light things up at night.  Perhaps...

How to Go Off The Power Grid?

Whether we like it or not, in the developed world, the vast majority of power for the vast majority of people comes from a centralised grid. We pay the bill, we flick the switch and the power comes out....