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In the Evillious Chronicles, seven demons that can possess you, unwillingly or as part of a contract, are the main source of trouble in the setting.
Source: Demonic Possession -
This is often read as either Spenser setting himself apart from seditious poets (he had been in trouble in the past for writing poetry critical of the Queen) or a critique of state censorship.
Source: Tongue Trauma - A person who's absent for longer than he's supposed to be is setting himself up for trouble when he finally returns home.
Source: Calling Out For Not Calling
Cite this Source
Trouble and Setting. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 07, from
Setting & Trouble. N.p., 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. <>.
Trouble or Setting. 2016. Accessed March 07, 2025.
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