Know verb - To have a practical understanding of.
Usage example: a career diplomat who knows several languages
Understand is a synonym for know in knowledge topic. In some cases you can use "Understand" instead a verb "Know", when it comes to topics like be familiar with, notice, perceive, comprehend. popular alternative
Understand verb - To have a practical understanding of.
Usage example: I think I understand how an engine works now
Know is a synonym for understand in appreciate topic. You can use "Know" instead a verb "Understand", if it concerns topics such as knowledge, perceive, comprehend. popular alternative
Mutual synonyms
Common collocations
Both words in one sentence
- Sometimes these aliens know what humor means, but don't know or understand why a human joke is considered funny due to cultural differences and the like.
Source: Humorless Aliens - A Shallow Parody is when the writers clearly didn't know/understand the source material and wind up with the film equivalent of Cowboy BeBop at His Computer.
Source: Trope Distinctions / J to R - Those who didn't know or understand Franky's abilities had a hard time countering him, especially since he's literally Made of Iron.
Source: Outside-Context Problem
Cite this Source
Understand and Know. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 02, from
Know & Understand. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 Mar. 2025. <>.
Understand or Know. 2016. Accessed March 02, 2025.
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