Incite verb - To rouse to strong feeling or action.
Usage example: the demagogue's fiery rant incited the crowd to riot
Move is a synonym for incite in cause topic. In some cases you can use "Move" instead a verb "Incite", when it comes to topics like induce. popular alternative
Nearby Words: incitement, inciting
Mutual synonyms
Common collocations
Both words in one sentence
- After Carapace accidentally says something that could incite anger against the changelings, she indulges the next person to ask about her recent date, and then proceeds to move the discussion towards the merits of Jam.
Source: Blog / Reading Rainbowverse
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Move and Incite. (2016). Retrieved 2025, January 22, from
Incite & Move. N.p., 2016. Web. 22 Jan. 2025. <>.
Move or Incite. 2016. Accessed January 22, 2025.
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