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Grey and Silvery


Grey adjective - Of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black.
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Synonyms for Grey

Silvery and grey are semantically related in silver topic. In some cases you can use "Silvery" instead an adjective "Grey", when it comes to topics like greyish, muted silver in color.

Nearby Words: greying, greyed, greyish, greyly


Silvery adjective - Of the color gray.

Grey and silvery are semantically related in silver topic. You can use "Grey" instead an adjective "Silvery".

Nearby Words: silver, silvered, silvering, silvern

Both words in one sentence

  • Literature / Uglies Grey Goo: In Specials, Tally and Shay release a vial of silvery nanomachines that eat all but three things: the vial they were kept in, a special black foam, and dirt.
  • Video Game / Rune Factory 3 Karina (silvery-grey) might arguably count as well, all things taken into consideration.
  • Web Video / Acquisitions Incorporated Mystical White Hair: Olivia Darkmagic has prematurely silvery-grey hair in her early twenties.
Cite this Source
Silvery and Grey. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 07, from
Grey & Silvery. N.p., 2016. Web. 07 Mar. 2025. <>.
Silvery or Grey. 2016. Accessed March 07, 2025.
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