Fund noun - The number of individuals or amount of something available at any given time.
Usage example: we have a deep fund of volunteers to call on when there is an unexpected need for help
Supply is a synonym for fund in amount topic. In some cases you can use "Supply" instead the word "Fund" as a noun or a verb, when it comes to topics like stock, store, reserve, repository. popular alternative
Supply noun - The number of individuals or amount of something available at any given time.
Usage example: the supply of parents willing to coach youth soccer seems to be shrinking
Fund is a synonym for supply in amount topic. You can use "Fund" instead the word "Supply" as a noun or a verb, if it concerns topics such as reserve of goods. popular alternative
Mutual synonyms
How words are described
common | common fund | common supply |
generous | generous fund | generous supply |
small | small fund | small supply |
entire | entire fund | entire supply |
Other adjectives: massive, large, new, remaining. |
Common collocations
Both words in one sentence
- The Wraiths surmise that he uses them to fund and supply his armies, and promptly blow up as many as they can find.
Source: Offscreen Villain Dark Matter -
A sizable number of Duchairn's scenes center around his effort to figure out how he's supposed to fund and supply the Church's forces.
Source: Literature / Safehold -
During the Stagnation of The '70s, with its famous shortages, the official state policy was to first fund and supply the national republics to avoid problems, and for Russia proper, especially in the "Flyover Country" provinces, to get the remains and the seconds.
Cite this Source
Supply and Fund. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 09, from
Fund & Supply. N.p., 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2025. <>.
Supply or Fund. 2016. Accessed March 09, 2025.
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