Discount noun - Something that is or may be subtracted.
Usage example: a discount of 20% from the original price
Rebate is a synonym for discount in deduct topic. In some cases you can use "Rebate" instead the word "Discount" as a noun or a verb, when it comes to topics like abate, deduction, lower, increase. popular alternative
Rebate noun - A refund of some fraction of the amount paid.
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Synonyms for Rebate
Discount is a synonym for rebate in reduction topic. You can use "Discount" instead the word "Rebate" as a noun or a verb, if it concerns topics such as abate, increase, refund, tax deduction. popular alternative
Nearby Words: rebated, rebating
Mutual synonyms
Both words in one sentence
- Kora: evilBay had a special rebate discount.
Source: Web Video / Media Whorz
Cite this Source
Rebate and Discount. (2016). Retrieved 2025, January 24, from
Discount & Rebate. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Jan. 2025. <>.
Rebate or Discount. 2016. Accessed January 24, 2025.
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