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Debt and Inventory


Debt noun - Something (as money) which is owed.

Inventory is an antonym for debt.

Nearby Word: debtor


Inventory noun - The number of individuals or amount of something available at any given time.
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Synonyms for Inventory

Debt is an antonym for inventory in stock topic.

How words are described

old old debt old inventory
total total debt total inventory
current current debt current inventory
original original debt original inventory
Other adjectives: actual, entire, massive, large, personal, new, significant, larger, remaining, overall.

Both words in one sentence

  • Holding on to it will cause it to evolve into Large Debt, which removes more money from your inventory if sold, and finally into the Snowballing Debt, which removes a tremendous amount of money.
Cite this Source
Inventory and Debt. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 10, from
Debt & Inventory. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2025. <>.
Inventory or Debt. 2016. Accessed March 10, 2025.
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