Trial noun - A test of faith, patience, or strength.
Check is a synonym for trial in examination topic. Sometimes you can use "Check" instead the word "Trial" as a noun or a verb, if it concerns topics such as test, verification.
Nearby Word: triable
Mutual synonyms
How words are described
Both words in one sentence
- Check. Work for the villains in a witch trial, yet mentions his son, Faux Affably Evil ?
Source: Film / Not Like Everyone Else -
The Taunt options during your trial in the second chapter of the main campaign are really silly, especially when you succeed on your Taunt check and Ambassador Claven looses her cool.
Source: I Shall Taunt You -
Trial-and-Error Gameplay: In the early days of the game, achieving bonus conditions in boss fights was largely this, since you had no way to check them beforehand.
Cite this Source
Trial and Check. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 11, from
Check & Trial. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Mar. 2025. <>.
Trial or Check. 2016. Accessed March 11, 2025.
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