Can verb - To let go from office, service, or employment.
Welcome verb - To receive or accept gladly or readily.
How words are described
Both words in one sentence
Welcome, to...The StallionverseIn this world, anything can happen and bonds of friendship can strike the most unlikely individuals.
- If you're used to the swimming controls (which are nothing like the ones in the SNES games) and can deal with the Oxygen Meter, the levels can be fun, beautiful, and a welcome new addition.
Source: Scrappy Mechanic / Platform Game - The Atoner: The reason why Sunset is still living in the human world despite being welcome back in Equestria now is so she can learn how magic works there.
Source: Fanfic / Aftermath Of The Games
Cite this Source
Welcome and Can. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 10, from
Can & Welcome. N.p., 2016. Web. 10 Mar. 2025. <>.
Welcome or Can. 2016. Accessed March 10, 2025.
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