Bad adjective - Falling short of a standard.
Usage example: a bad first attempt at making meat loaf resulted in a soggy, inedible mess
Inferior is a synonym for bad in substandard topic. In some cases you can use "Inferior" instead the word "Bad" as an adjective or a noun, when it comes to topics like poor quality. popular alternative
Inferior adjective - Of little or less value or merit.
Usage example: a girl who has always felt inferior to her older sister
Bad is a synonym for inferior in poor topic. You can use "Bad" instead an adjective "Inferior", if it concerns topics such as property, substandard. popular alternative
Nearby Word: inferiority
Mutual synonyms
Both words in one sentence
- The Garbage Pail Kids Movie has the Aesop that being ugly doesn't make you inferior or bad in any way.
Source: Broken Aesop / Live-Action Films - He also doesn't much care for his other most well-known song "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story, though that has more to do with it not fitting the character or atmosphere of the show, rather than it being a bad or inferior song in general.
Source: Magnum Opus Dissonance - So much so that the in-universe litmus test for when something is really fucking bad is when even THEY can't just acerbically dismiss it as inferior to the perils of their own time.
Source: When I Was Your Age...
Cite this Source
Inferior and Bad. (2016). Retrieved 2025, January 20, from
Bad & Inferior. N.p., 2016. Web. 20 Jan. 2025. <>.
Inferior or Bad. 2016. Accessed January 20, 2025.
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