Antiquated adjective - Having passed its time of use or usefulness.
Elderly and antiquated are semantically related. In some cases you can use "Elderly" instead an adjective "Antiquated". obsolete substitute
Elderly adjective - Being of advanced years and especially past middle age.
Antiquated and elderly are semantically related. You can use "Antiquated" instead an adjective "Elderly".
Nearby Word: elder
Mutual synonyms
Related pairs
- old and antiquated
- old and elderly
- antique and antiquated
- antique and elderly
- venerable and antiquated
- venerable and elderly
- old-fashioned and antiquated
- old-fashioned and elderly
- ancient and antiquated
- ancient and elderly
- archaic and antiquated
- archaic and elderly
- obsolete and antiquated
- obsolete and elderly
Cite this Source
Elderly and Antiquated. (2016). Retrieved 2025, February 09, from
Antiquated & Elderly. N.p., 2016. Web. 09 Feb. 2025. <>.
Elderly or Antiquated. 2016. Accessed February 09, 2025.
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