Ambiguous adjective - Having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning.
Nearby Words: ambiguity, ambiguously
Graphic adjective - Producing a mental picture through clear and impressive description.
Usage example: the report offered many graphic details about the devastating earthquake that rocked the area
Both words in one sentence
Ambiguous Gender - Due to graphic constraints, Archer and Mage troops could belong to either gender, though Mages' death cries are unambiguously female.
Source: Video Game / DragonForce -
Not to mention the rampant graphic violence, ambiguous morality, and Body Horror.
Source: Dark Fic -
It's also ambiguous whether he committed the brutal (and somewhat unlikely) murders that he describes in graphic detail.
Source: Through the Eyes of Madness
Cite this Source
Graphic and Ambiguous. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 13, from
Ambiguous & Graphic. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. <>.
Graphic or Ambiguous. 2016. Accessed March 13, 2025.
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