Acquiescent adjective - Receiving or enduring without offering resistance.
Fain and acquiescent are semantically related in willing topic. In some cases you can use "Fain" instead an adjective "Acquiescent".
Fain adjective - Having a desire or inclination (as for a specified course of action).
Acquiescent and fain are semantically related in willing topic. Sometimes you can use "Acquiescent" instead an adjective "Fain".
Mutual synonyms
Related pairs
- susceptible and acquiescent
- susceptible and fain
- agreeable and acquiescent
- agreeable and fain
- ready and acquiescent
- ready and fain
- accommodating and acquiescent
- accommodating and fain
- game and acquiescent
- game and fain
- willing and acquiescent
- willing and fain
- amenable and acquiescent
- amenable and fain
Cite this Source
Fain and Acquiescent. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 13, from
Acquiescent & Fain. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. <>.
Fain or Acquiescent. 2016. Accessed March 13, 2025.
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