Attain verb - To obtain (as a goal) through effort.
Usage example: Napoléon had attained mastery of much of Europe at that point
Obtain is a synonym for attain in achieve topic. In some cases you can use "Obtain" instead the word "Attain" as a verb or a noun, when it comes to topics like acquisition, get, earn. popular alternative
Obtain verb - To receive as return for effort.
Usage example: after years of proving herself, she obtained recognition as a serious journalist
Attain is a synonym for obtain in get topic. You can use "Attain" instead the word "Obtain" as a verb or a noun, if it concerns topics such as gain, earn, achieve. popular alternative
Mutual synonyms
Common collocations
Both words in one sentence
Sairaorg Bael in High School D×D went through a rigorous Training from Hell to attain this trope because he couldn't obtain the same power of destruction his two cousins have.
Source: Charles Atlas Superpower - As leader of the Council of Wizards, Terexin tells Hocus Pocus, the young wizard the player controls, has the quest to obtain such crystals in order to attain more magic powers to become a worthy member of the Council.
Source: Video Game / Hocus Pocus - Oh yes, and continues are impossible to replenish without the use of a cheat code* After losing your last life, press up, down, right and left at the Continue screen when you have three or less continues remaining to attain ten more., and extra lives are not easy to obtain.
Source: Nintendo Hard / Platform Games
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Obtain and Attain. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 11, from
Attain & Obtain. N.p., 2016. Web. 11 Mar. 2025. <>.
Obtain or Attain. 2016. Accessed March 11, 2025.
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