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More than 300M people use Tenor every month to communicate with an animated GIF that expresses their exact thoughts or feelings.

300M+monthly users
12B+searches every month

Tenor is everywhere

Tenor Apps

We make it easy to find and share the right GIF across devices. Tenor is the #1 downloaded and used GIF-sharing app on both iOS and Android.

Tenor Content Partners

Tenor Content Partners

Top movie studios, TV networks, game publishers, sports leagues and storytellers team with Tenor to drive mobile shares and views of their GIFs.

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Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Tenor was founded in 2014 by a team of successful entrepreneurs with a vision to define a new visual language for the world's 3+ billion mobile users.

Tenor is backed by marquee investors including Redpoint Ventures, Menlo Ventures, Tenaya Capital, OCA Ventures, Signia Ventures, Cowboy Ventures and others.