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Watery Grave

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Unformat Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Watery Grave

Land — Island Swamp

(: Add or .)

As this enters, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, this enters tapped.

Wesinator69 on Imma Baddie I Do What I Please

6 months ago

I know you hate tapped lands so I would suggest the following:

Also I hate Temple of the False God it should stop being included in precons. Plus 37 lands is a bit much. There are a couple other cards that don't seem to do enough for the mana cost. So I would also suggest the following:

FAIRxPOTAMUS on Deck Space marine

1 year ago

Here’s a few combos I’ve made.

Inquisitorial Rosette + Zephyrim Inquisitorial Rosette + Thunderhawk Gunship Defenders of Humanity + Exterminatus Belisarius Cawl + Talisman of Dominance

Inquisitorial Rosette might be your best friend. I like that you have Marneus Calgar . I would suggest Belisarius Cawl , Defenders of Humanity is good for when you need tokens in a pinch. Thunderhawk Gunship is nice. Ultramarines Honour Guard boost everything. Another card you could try to find is The Flesh is Weak since it buffs your guys and puts -1s on your opponent’s guys.

I’m not sure how Sol Ring Brainstorm or Dark Ritual are fitting into the theme. Space marines are the “good guys” (not really everybody’s a prick in 40k) and these spells are linked to the ruinous powers of chaos and xenos. Very anti-imperial. You could go full blown chaos with this deck alternatively. There’s plenty of chaos space marine cards including Abaddon the Despoiler , Lucius the Eternal , Tallyman of Nurgle , Dark Apostle , and more. Hallowed Fountain and Watery Grave are okay mechanically but I’m preferring to use the special lands from the 40K block. Take a look at Arcane Sanctum

Check out my deck if you like. I’ll leave the link below. I’m always looking at it and appreciate feedback so feel free to comment. Happy wizarding out ther.. er.. um.. I mean.. The Emperor Protects!

Nalgaeryn on EDH - Dralnu, Lord of Exile

1 year ago

Whoops, here are the most expensive cards in the deck and rough prices currently.

Balaam__ on

1 year ago

Depending on how competitive/expensive you want to be, there are a few different ways to approach a Faerie build. Typically, you either want to swarm the board with as many gnats as possible and win through attrition, which can be done through Bitterblossom and other token generators in combination with cheap to cast faeries.

With the alternative approach, you’re going to lean fully into control. Faeries are well suited to this playstyle, allowing you to micro manage everything your opponent tries to do through countermagic and bounce spells, locking down the table. / are the perfect control&removal colors, so I’d stick with Dimir.

You really can’t go wrong starting with the mana base, particularly if you like playing as it will transition well between formats and deck archetypes. You’re most likely aware of the ‘best’ lands, fetches and duals like Watery Grave or Polluted Delta (or Secluded Glen when specifically talking faeries). You may not be familiar with newer land cycles, stuff like Clearwater Pathway  Flip or Drowned Catacomb. These can be almost as effective as the ‘best’ lands but at a fraction of the price.

BotaNickill on Peppersmoke & Mirrors

1 year ago

I really like this build! Nice work. I'm working on a similar list currently as well. All the new faerie cards inspired me, and I finally obtained three copies of Bitterblossom. I was trying to decide how much life loss I would be dealing myself between Polluted Delta, Watery Grave Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom. Do you ever feel you have a need for lifegain somehow?

fluffyeel on Help make deck good

1 year ago

Unfortunately, to up the power level, some of the things I will recommend might be pricey (cost-wise), but I'm already seeing some places to improve.

legendofa on Card Cost/Land Mana

1 year ago

The pie chart should be reasonably balanced, although a couple of factors can skew it one way or another. If your 1-2 mana cards are heavily dominated by one color, your lands should be weighted toward that color to ensure you can reliable use your low-cost spells when you need them. If a lot of your cards have heavy color weight, you need more lands of that color. If you have a lot of higher-quality lands like shocklands, ABUR duals, or triomes, these can help smooth out color curves and make a perfect balance less necessary.

The tool I use most for adding lands by color is a calculator. My process is a little involved, but has given me very reliable results.

  1. Count the number of pips of your first color.

  2. Count the total number of all colored pips.

  3. Multiply the number of pips of your first color by the number of land slots in your deck.

  4. Divide the number you got in step 3 by the total number of colored pips. Round up or down to the nearest whole number.

  5. Put in that many basic lands of your first color.

  6. Repeat for your second, third, etc. color.

To put this in algebraic form, Pc/Pt = Lc/Lt, or (Pc x Lt)/Pt = Lc, where Pc is the number of pips of a given color, Pt is the total number of colored pips, Lc is the number of land slots that provide a given color, and Lt is the total number of land slots. As an example, if I have 25 blue pips, 19 black pips, and 16 white pips, and I want to fill 24 land slots in a Modern deck, I multiply 25 (# of blue pips) by 24 (# of land slots in deck) and divide by 60 (total # of pips) to get 10 blue land slots. Repeating for black and white, this formula gives us 8 (rounded up from 7.6) black land slots and 6 (rounded down from 6.4) white land slots. I use 6 Plains, 10 Islands, and 8 Swamps as placeholders.

At this point, check for skew. To continue the example, are most of my 1-2 mana cards black, and most of my white cards higher cost? Cut a Plains and add a Swamp. Do many of my blue cards require ? Cut another Plains and add an Island. Now, we have 4 Plains, 11 Island, and 9 Swamp. This step is part observation, part feel, and part placeholders.

Once you have the color curve set, start adding nonbasic lands. If your nonbasic land provides a color, replace a basic land of that color. If it provides two or more colors, I cut whichever basic land I have the most of, then the second most, then the third most. If I want to add a playset of Raffine's Tower, I see that I now have the most Islands, followed by Swamps, then Plains. I cut two Islands and one of each of the others, leaving me with 9 Islands, 8 Swamps, and 3 Plains. If I then want to add three Watery Graves, I cut two Island and one Swamp, cutting Island first to maintain the chances of starting with black mana available on turn 1 and because more Islands are available. Fetchlands, including Evolving Wilds and similar cards, should be treated as whichever basic lands they're able to find.

Colorless utility lands need more consideration--does it needs a color to use? What colors do I need least? What colors do I need most? Let's say it's an artifact deck leaning heavily on the Alara block. I want to add two Academy Ruins. My current land base is

7x Island 3x Plains 4x Raffine's Tower 7x Swamp 3x Watery Grave

I know that I don't need Plains early in the game, that I do need Swamps early in the game, and that Academy Ruins needs to use. I cut one Plains for the first Academy Ruins and consider cutting a Swamp, but the need for early pushes me to cut an Island for the second Ruins. The land base is now

2x Academy Ruins 6x Island 2x Plains 4x Raffine's Tower 7x Swamp 3x Watery Grave

This would be a good point to pause and playtest. Make sure you hit the colors you need when you need them, you're not overloaded on a color, and everything flows smoothly. Tweak lands as needed test some more, and keep tweaking and testing until everything's locked in.

As a personal preference, I try to leave as many basic lands as needed to pay any colored cost in the deck. If I have Mechanized Production, but none of my cards need more than one black or white pip, then I will leave a minimum of two basic Islands and one each basic Plains and Swamps. Every format has some form of nonbasic land destruction (and I include Blood Moon in this), and basic lands are reliable and harder to negate or remove.

DemonDragonJ on ‘Tis But a Scratch!

1 year ago

"A scratch? Your arm is off!"

Seriously, however, this is a great deck, and it is nice to see that March of the Machines gave such great support to knights as a tribe.

I personally would recommend the shocklands (i.e., Hallowed Fountain, Godless Shrine, and Watery Grave) over the "bond lands" (i.e., Sea of Clouds, Morphic Pool, and Vault of Champions), since the shock lands are far more reliable than are the bond lands, and any deck that contains both black and white should easily be able afford to pay 2 life per land, in order for it to enter the battlefield untapped.

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