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Scrying Sheets

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scrying Sheets

Snow Land

: Add to your mana pool.

, : Look at the top card of your library. If that card is snow, you may reveal it and put it into your hand. ( can be paid with one mana from a snow permanent.)

Profet93 on I Scry with my Mill'll eye...

4 months ago

KibaAlpha +1

Will take a closer look later but upon a quick glance, would Scrying Sheets be worth considering? Its not scry but there could be some use out of it.

capwner on Tami-SNOW ((MODERN // Sultai Snow Control))

1 year ago

legendofa The manabase generally feels pretty good, sometimes I am unhappy to see a tap land as it can effectively mean losing a turn, but the main concerns I've found are color fixing and maintaining snow perm count, where falling short could mean losing out on several plays or interactions. I cut a Scrying Sheets because of this, might cut Mouth of Ronom too but I like being able to toolbox with Into the North a bit. It was hard for me to add the Breeding Pool+Watery Grave because of snow count but I think it's necessary to be able to find untapped colors with Lorien. It would be nice to run 4 Lorien but the list was getting tight and I wanted to keep at least 3 ofs for some key sideboard cards. The deck does have a lot of 4 drops but 4 of those are Subtlety which is a flexible card and I think a real necessity in this meta. The deck feels like it curves pretty well, you are likely to have at least a couple 1 and 2 drops and the ability to either Blizzard Brawl or Dead of Winter or Subtlety or flash Ice-Fang Coatl to stall the board until your big 4 drops can hit. Or Force of Negation/Subtlety/Commandeer vs THOSE decks. Turn 2 Into the North feels really good, curves into 5/5 Treefolk or Coatl/Brawl with no land drop. I wish it was snow then I would run more. I think in a lot of matchups it ultimately comes down to who can out attrition the other, and the snow scry mechanic REALLY helps with that. Vs Yawgmoth I can aggro/tempo them out with Treefolk and Subtlety, vs Murktide I'm running them out of removal, clearing with Dead of Winter and when the game is stalled Avalanche Caller or a 7/7 Treefolk ends it. I haven't had a Rhinos match come up yet but the plan is to simply outmatch and outcontrol their board with Treefolk + killing/commandeering the rhinos. I'll likely update the description with some more specific matchup and card selection info over the next couple weeks! Thanks for the feed

Icbrgr on

1 year ago

why not Scrying Sheets over Zhalfirin Void?

Profet93 on Imodane’s Flames

1 year ago

No worries, just wanted to offer my 2 cents on how to optimize it. I agree, it's a bit overkill for one card. Alternative should you be so inclined, you could add Scrying Sheets and/or better yet, Extraplanar Lens to make it worth it.

Wish I could upvote again.

Commander's Plate?

9-lives on

1 year ago

Icbrgr I happen to own Chandra, Fire Artisan, and she's alright. I wouldn't use the cards Koth of the Hammer or Chandra, Torch of Defiance simply because they are 4-drops. That would help in the long term game tremendously, but not necessarily any fast games. I could have nearly 4 burn cards on the 4th turn if I go first, which would be far better than running one of those cards. And, I could run snow mountains, but for only Scrying Sheets or Skred? If I could find better burn cards with snow than the ones I'm running, I would certainly switch. Although, the mana ramp is nice.

Icbrgr on

1 year ago

This seems nice! Any thoughts on maybe putting in Snow-Covered Mountain and Scrying Sheets for some draw?... Skred could be a sideboard removal spell and Koth of the Hammer LOVES mountains!...Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another great top end consideration!

DreadKhan on Flame in the Land of Snow

1 year ago

I find that it's very hard to win competitive games in Legacy in a Burn deck without Fireblast. I also wonder about something like Flame Rift can get in for a lot of damage, and Risk Factor is a great card to draw when you're out of cards, it's certainly a reasonable x1 or x2 in a Burn deck. I actually liked Ball Lightning a lot, but Dragon's Rage Channeler is also worth a look, even if you have to throw in some weirder stuff like Seal of Fire, a 1 mana 3/3 flyer is a pretty good card I find, and the ability to dig through extra lands is an incredible rush, but it can also help you dig your way down to needed lands in other games.

I tried to build a deck a bit like this, I was mostly curious if I could find a way to make Scrying Sheets busted. Not sure how many Snow cards you need to make it good, but it's probably a reasonable x1 or x2 to test out, at least it's been reprinted recently!

amarthaler on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

2 years ago

Very solid build on a budget and I love the theme! I posted some comments on my Jorn deck page in response to yours. So for here, and focusing on simply card draw and protection, I recommend these cards because they're cheap and have never let me down:

  1. Joint Exploration - its like Growth Spiral and Opt rolled into one
  2. The Cruelty of Gix - because of the new "Read Ahead" mechanic, this thing lets you tutor for any card at the small price of 3 life (typical when you're in the color of Black), and also has graveyard recursion which is what your deck is trying to do.
  3. Diabolic Vision - probably THE best scry/draw card in Dimir colors and runs about $0.50
  4. Expedition Map - tutors for ANY land
  5. Tempt with Discovery - also tutors for ANY land, and usually within a game you'll get +1 or +2 additional lands off this cast
  6. Sunstone - $0.25 card from Ice Age that gives you a Fog effect when you need it
  7. Viridian Revel - great against folks playing treasure-heavy decks, allowing you to draw every time they sac a treasure
  8. Scrying Sheets - a bit out of your budget, being roughly $5-6, but its soooooooo good in Snow decks
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