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Honden of Infinite Rage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Honden of Infinite Rage

Legendary Enchantment — Shrine

At the beginning of your upkeep, Honden of Infinite Rage deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of Shrines you control.

RekkaNoKen on Endeavor (M)

2 years ago

Thank you both for the feedback, I especially love the suggestions of Honden of Infinite Rage and Sterling Grove! I am currently biased towards 4 copies of Nine Lives as they have helped in many of the games I've played so far, but I agree that some copies could be removed depending on the matchup. I was only running 2 copies of Sanctum of Stone Fangs since it is legendary and since Clawing Torment can also be a win-con, but I can definitely see dropping the latter and other shrines for more Stone Fangs or Infinite Rage. At this point, I will focus on adding the key shrines instead of Mechanized Production and adjust the mana, hopefully without sacrificing a turn 3 Nine Lives.

lagotripha on Endeavor (M)

2 years ago

This is a neat idea - you can get some redundant copies of nine lives that incidentally gain 10 life with Phyrexian Unlife. Hex Parasite is neat as a way to reset counters too, in a pinch.

Speaking personally on wincons, I like Decimator Web and Grindclock, but honestly stone fangs/tranquil light will help keep you in the game a lot better - getting multiple 1 and 2 mana shrines into play buys a lot of time to tutor up the combo.

With the shrines, more colours makes it run smoother; it can be achieved on a budget with a combination of cards like Abundant Growth and treasures, which also lets you threaten to cast mechanised production, even if it stays a sideboard plan.

Honden of Infinite Rage offer a 'wait and eventually win' setup in red, which would also open up Lightning Helix for aggro matchups, and pairs neatly with stone fangs. Shattered heights turns lands into removal, while calm waters finds answers and combo pieces.

Best of luck with the brew!

Housegheist on Gods, Shrines & Weatherlight Sisay

2 years ago

Thank you. As i said, it‘s not finished yet. I guess i will run it tonight for the first time.

As for the removal section, i don‘t like that many removal spells. I like it more, when your removal-options synergize with your deck-theme. Therefore, i’ll try to use Goblin Bombardment, Honden of Infinite Rage, Doomwake Giant, Elspeth Conquers Death (etc.) or protection pices like Gift of Immortality.

I think, Lithoform Engine can fit in any deck… and with a little preparation it can go fot the win… i hope so at least

Housegheist on Praise the Shrine [Go-Shintai, Go!] [WIP]

2 years ago

First of, thank you for your comment. :)

The main win-condition should come through burn the shrines (either from the shrines like Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars, Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest and Honden of Infinite Rage. Cards like Klothys, God of Destiny and Bastion of Remembrance (refer to plan B) helps with this.

Plan B is the overwhelming token-potential. If the are enough, i wanna swing for lethal.

To come to this point, i found the deck has many interactions with the opponents board to protect itself and to refill our hand. I try to avoid the common pillowfort or infinite-combo. But Combo synergies are okay though.

RDWDTR on Shrines

2 years ago

Mirror Box is a neat idea, sounds deadly after a couple turns. If you're almost decking yourself with card draw, you're going to kill your opponent first. I think Sanctum of Stone Fangs, Honden of Infinite Rage and Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars will be your most solid wincons. I personally like the ones that are solely enchantments more than creatures since they are harder to interact with. If you build around these, you should kill more consistently, and you can still keep some of the better Shrines as 1-ofs... I would mainboard some number of Idyllic Tutors to fetch out your enchantments.

Umori, the Collector is not worth it IMO, you have to pay 7 mana just to get a 1-mana discount on your stuff. That's not even mentioning the restriction. BTW this deck is amazing for Prismatic Ending (a much better piece of interaction for a deck like this than Negate), would be excellent removal for you since you're a 5-color deck. I would also probably run something like Mana Confluence or City of Brass, in addition to the Chromatic Lanterns. I'm sure you already know this but fetch lands and shock lands would go a long way for you obviously. The mana base seems like the biggest weakness. Have you ever considered something like Courser of Kruphix to help you hit land drops? I know it kind of breaks the shrine theme, but it would help you stay afloat the first few turns before you get all your shrines assembled. It would also help you hit the six land mana fix condition for The World Tree. Also Dryad of the Ilysian Grove might be playable here as well, either instead of or in addition to the aforementioned Courser. I think I like the Courser more. Being able to consistently cast your spells is important.

What kind of matchups have you play tested this against? Seems like this might struggle against faster decks. Feel free to put as little or as much stock into my suggestions as you want, I'm not sure what your budget is or how competitive you're looking to be. Glad I could be of assistance so far. This is a cool brew, but it does seem a bit slow/awkward for modern since you need multiple permanents over many turns to really get going.

SirHipHopHippo on "At the beginning of your upkeep" Tribal

4 years ago


Oh Johnsonsonsonsonson, let me tell you about the Enduring Ideal Gambit.

So when I cast enduring ideal, the first thing I grab is Paradox Haze of course. Now unless my opponents destroy paradox haze, I can now trigger Enduring Ideal twice on my turn. So, I typically grab Assemble the Legion with the first trigger and Copy Enchantment with the second trigger and have Copy Enchantment copy Paradox Haze, I now have three upkeeps on my turns which means I can now search for 3 enchantments.

So next I will usually grab Sanctum of All for trigger one, then I will grab Honden of Infinite Rage for the second upkeep trigger (plus Sanctum of all will now trigger twice this turn). For the final trigger I will grab Estrid's Invocation copying Paradox Haze, I now get 4 upkeeps a turn.

Here we go, now on the next turn you can most likely get every single shrine into play with a bunch of upkeeps, and additionally grab tons of other options like Debtors' Knell for creatures or Solitary Confinement for protection. There's also one more enchantment you can tutor to copy paradox haze and that is Mirrormade.

Man, Enduring Ideal is so so broken.

Narueled on Enraged Dinosaurs! (Budget R/G)

4 years ago

Hi Saccox Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think Honden of Infinite Rage makes the cut one reason being that it does not do anyting the turn it is played..

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