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Finale of Eternity

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Finale of Eternity


Destroy up to three target creatures with toughness X or less. If X is 10 or more, return all creature cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.

Jabber on Liliana, Baby of Chaos

1 year ago

Cards id Consider adding:

Diabolic Tutor should be in the deck

Killing Wave should add this great finisher and liliana text

Command the Dreadhorde Liliana with great artwork and a nice finisher

Mutilate great board wipe with Liliana text

Liliana's Specter goes with the current theme

Oath of Liliana good removal and on theme

Liliana's Scrounger great for all the planeswalkers and removal

Liliana's Scorn bad removal but also works as a tutor

Liliana's Reaver fits into the discard theme

Liliana's Influence tutor and kind of a board wipe

Liliana's Indignation direct damage and fill graveyard

Liliana's Elite weak but gets stronger with graveyard

Liliana's Contract kind of bad draw but on theme

Liliana, Death Wielder old planeswalker but could be fun

Liliana, Death's Majesty token maker and is pretty good

Liliana's Shade Bad but kind of ramp

Entomb great card

Reanimate great card

Gravecrawler great card for combo but idk if it fits here

Settle the Score bad removal but helps with planeswalkers

Triumph of Cruelty on theme with discard

Demonic Tutor Liliana art work and quote

Finale of Eternity finisher and removal

Professor Onyx on theme and decent

Baleful Force bad top end but cool quote


Dread Summons


Mind Rot Liliana quate and discard theme

Rise Again

Rise from the Grave

Rottenheart Ghoul

Tainted Remedy

Dark Petition

Necromantic Summons

Young Necromancer

Swap to these lands:

TriusMalarky on Getting Lathril Through

3 years ago

She does already have menace, don't discount that. You can use a bunch of spot removal like Doom Blade , or even better, Finale of Eternity , to control the opponent's boards, which will make it really easy for her to get through.

Osbert on

4 years ago

Ayara doesn't seem like a good fit since you only have 7 black creatures including herself and your commander.

Selvala also seems out of place here since you arent playing many large power power creatures. I think I would cut her because on average she won't make more than 3 mana (so 2 because you pay G for the ability) and you'll be handing most of the card draw to opponents. Similarly Hunter's Insight, Life's Legacy, Garruk Primal Hunter face the same problems. These cards feel terrible when they draw you 2-3 cards. Instead I suggest drawing cards or creature casts like Guardian Project, Zendikar Resurgent, Lifecrafter's Bestiary, etc.

If you like storming off with creatures maybe consider Tangleroot. Sure it helps opponents but it makes elf decks vomit their hands and with a creature draw engine on board it might as well be a Primal Surge.

Your deck currently has 1 piece of grave recursion which would make a lot of black mana lovers sad. Some good options are Patriarch's Bidding, Rise of the Dark Realms, Finale of Eternity, & Oversold Cemetery.

Your deck also has a very few ways to disrupt opponents which can be problematic. Reclamation Sage, Attrition, gravepact, Toxic Deluge, Decree of Pain, Viridian Corrupter, and Viridian Zealot are good options to consider.

You seem to have abundant ways to produce mana but not a lot of ways to use it. I suggest the classic Staff of Domination as a combo piece and maybe some X spells like Torment of Hailfire. Other mana sinks like Temur Sabertooth can help you dig with draw engines while abusing EtBs.

MrKillStar on Vito Combo

4 years ago

In my potato opinion, you can cut few swamps without a problem with your ramp cards.

If you'll ever feel like playing against graveyard decks is annoying, Crypt Incursion/Suffer the Past would help. Both instant speed graveyard hate stamples that also gives you life -> triggering your Vito, Defiant Bloodlord, S.B and Blight-Priest.

Tribute to Hunger - cheap creature removal that also gives you life, but depends on opponent's board.

Instead of Rise of the Dark Realms you might consider running Agadeem's Awakening  Flip to reanimate your combo pieces for less mana cost. It can also be used as a land if needed. Another option could be Command the Dreadhorde, since life shouldnt be such a problem. Finale of Eternity is also an option, both as reanimate spell and removal. I personally feel like there isnt enough creatures in your deck to such massive and mana-expensive reanimator spells.

Call the Bloodline - if you ever feel like having not enough Vampires for Kicker cost of Blood Tribute. Its also decent to discard big creatures (to reanimate them later) and making a 1/1 to sacrifice.

Bastion of Remembrance - fits into aristocrat decks really well, since it gives you 1/1, has aristocrat ability and is an enchantment, so its a bit harder to remove than creature is.

Trading Post - This is more or less a personal card choice, but it gives you life, makes tokens, retrieves artifacts and even draws you a card. Not bad at all.

Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Absolutely great and cheap card to protect any of your creaters, re-triggering its ETB ability (Gray Merchant of Asphodel) and can also be used as a land if needed.

Thespian's Stage and Mirage Mirror can both copy your Cabal Coffers to ramp you like crazy.
Cabal Stronghold - cheaper version of Cabal Coffers that can tap for on its own.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - a bit more expensive but can also ramp a lot in mono-color decks.
Lake of the Dead - almost as expensive as Cabal Coffers, but can also ramp you a lot. But is just a luxury.
Homeward Path - would be consider running if you would play against some mana-control decks.
Myriad Landscape - not the greatest, but works well in any mono-color deck outside of green (if not landfall decks). Easy way to get two swamps out of your deck, so less chances of top decking lands and also triggers your Dread Presence twice.

And as the grand finale, my favorite combo of my For the Void: Tortured Existence+Desecrated Tomb to instantly generate a 1/1 black Bat token with flying (as flying blockers, for example) just for . It requires only having a creature in your graveyard and another in your hand. Add Phyrexian Altar and you can activate it infinitely times, making any of your aristocrat cards lethal. Just watchout for Necropotence because it exiles whatever you discard, shutting the combo down.

I would most likely remove:

Platinum Angel - protects you from losing the game and opponents from winning the game, but doesnt really fit the deck that much. Cool card for sure.
Rise of the Dark Realms - is just really expensive reanimation card.
Night's Whisper - Its cheap, but sorcery speed, so thats up to you. Prism Ring - doesnt seems that worth it to me. Its cheaper than Staff of the Death Magus, but if you cant cast a lot of black spells each turn, I wouldnt bother with Prism Ring at all.
Cut/switch few basic Swamps for sure.

Massacar on Hell in a Cell

4 years ago

I know you're looking for cuts currently, but one include that compliments your commander extremely well would be Krark's Thumb.

Also your forum post said you want to get things back with reanimator effects, but you don't include Animate Dead or Necromancy. Whip of Erebos and Victimize could also be useful to you. Following off of your forum post, if filling your graveyard is your goal, Mesmeric Orb is a fantastic card for such strategies.

As for cuts, I'd probably cut Solemn Simulacrum, Torch Fiend, Demon of Death's Gate (I'm just never impressed with this big demon personally), and Finale of Eternity.

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