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Felidar Umbra

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Felidar Umbra

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature has lifelink.

1W: Attach Felidar Umbra to target creature you control.

Totem armor (If enchanted creature would be destroyed, instead remove all damage from it and destroy this Aura.)

king-saproling on 11 and bust

1 year ago

You could have infinite damage by giving S&H lifelink and having a "gain life = +1/+1 counter" ability on board.

E.g. any of these: Ajani's Pridemate, Trelasarra, Moon Dancer, Voice of the Blessed, Celestial Unicorn, Light of Promise, Sunbond, Gideon's Company, Ageless Entity, Cleric Class, etc. (there are more)

Plus anything like these: Lifelink, Spirit Link, Basilisk Collar, Shadowspear, Spirit Loop, Felidar Umbra, Armadillo Cloak

Orange+ on Riders on the Storm ~60$

2 years ago

Hi, thefiresoflurve

For now Im gonna keep Felidar Umbra because Im not quite sure how much removal I can survive. It is also one of only two destruction protection cards (totem armor) I run with cmc under 3. Playing several protection auras might be very useful in situations where an opponent removes one layer of protection on a voltron, because frankly, I dont think removing one aura will be very difficult for any player to do. But if I do have two layers, lets say Felidar Umbra and Shielded by Faith, it might deter players from even trying to remove my creature.

If playtesting shows that I play more than enough protection, I might reconsider swapping out Felidar Umbra, and maybe even Hyena Umbra

Thanks for your suggestion :)

thefiresoflurve on Riders on the Storm ~60$

2 years ago

Not sure what you think of this, but I might suggest Spirit Link as an alternative to Felidar Umbra, only if you feel like you have enough protection already, since it's cheaper and the lifegain can stack with lifelink. The ability to move the Felidar umbra is also really useful, but I feel like it's less needed in voltron.

Another awesome card for protection: Robe of Stars. Not an enchantment, sadly, but it's pretty great for voltron in spite of that.

LinkOpensChest_wav on Karametra Budget Enchantments

3 years ago

Some suggestions based on enchantments I run in my Selesnya enchantment deck:

Ancestral Mask

Felidar Umbra

Hum of the Radix (slows down artifact decks)

Kithkin Armor

Spirit Mantle

Sterling Grove (protects your enchantments, and also works as a tutor)

Eidolon of Blossoms

Also, Fortified Village is really cheap right now and so is Sungrass Prairie

Housegheist on The Kill(ian) Box

3 years ago

Sry, for double... But Hyena Umbra and Felidar Umbra could provide some additional protection to your commander. Umbral Mantle would provide some pseudo-vigilance pump effect.

And Umbra Mystic would push the totem armor-strategy even further.

Oh and Cunning Rhetoric is awesome against enemy attacks :)

Harogi on Angel Maker

4 years ago

Hey! Love the deck, got a few suggestions I think would fit really well in here.

Eidolon of Countless Battles is great for obvious reasons, he'll get huge, with all of these enchantments, he's a spirit, keeps in line with your low mana curve, and quite cheap.

Geist of Saint Traft is a great card, hexproof makes him a great target for your auras, he's a spirit, he makes fliers. A nice card to have a couple of. I'd probably swap him in for your Warden of Evos Isle s since your spells only cost two or three mana.

Followed Footsteps might be a possible replacement for Cackling Counterpart if you can handle the extra mana cost. It fits in great with your theme and can get out of hand pretty quickly in a multiplayer game.

Felidar Umbra is a neat aura to protect your best creatures from any potential removal thrown your way. Also the life gain is a nice way to outpace any other aggressive decks at the table.

Bident of Thassa is the last piece I think would be great for your deck. With all of your evasive fliers, you're sure to fill your hand back up real quick. and that activated ability can quickly put an end to a stalemate. Plus it's an enchantment.

wallisface on Modern Conclave Constrictor (+1/+1)

4 years ago

NoopyNolife Lurrus is for sure good, but he’s not the reason I suggested dropping Ajani. I think, if you try gearing this as a fast aggro deck, then for 4 mana you’re better off playing two 2-drops. Especially when a lot of 2-drops can get you counters just as well. Something like Grateful Apparition , or maybe even Rishkar, Peema Renegade (which is possibly the strongest 3 drop creature for counters).

I think Rancor is a lot more practical than Felidar Umbra just cause its 1 mana. If the game goes on long, most modern decks are going to crush this, so you want to apply pressure quickly and win. Imo the ideal turn structure is:

  • Turn 1: play Pelty/Oozeman

  • Turn 2: play Conclave or Constrictor, swing for 3.

  • Turn 3: another 2-drop, one mana for Rancor , Snakeskin Veil or the likes. Swing for at least 7, possibly 11.

  • Turn 4: either two 2-drop creatures, or one alongside some 1-drop cards. Potentially swing for lethal, or if not represent a boardstate that wins next turn on its own.

In that respect, you just want to be dropping threat after threat. Stuff like card draw sounds good on paper, but in reality if you’re investing that time to draw, you’re giving your opponent precious time to stabilise and beat you - aggro decks want the game to be over really fast. Tezzeret's Gambit might be the best available card draw just cause it also might give you enough power to win on turn 4... but i think you’d still be better off just running a card thats sole purpose helps you get that win, instead of dragging the game out.

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