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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Tap an untapped creature you control: Untap target basic land.

Profet93 on Dionus? You Barely Know Us!

2 weeks ago

PuritanPuree +1

Would Earthcraft be worth considering/work?

Heart Warden > Elvish Hunter?

Thousand-Year Elixir - Synergy

Glimpse of Nature - Draw

Urza's Incubator - Or is it not needed?

capwner on Group hug but snake, so Boa Constrictor

3 months ago

Looks like a sweet list, right mix of power and fun. Xyris is super strong. I feel like Battle Hymn is underplayed and goes crazy in here. Artifact Mutation is a personal fav of mine as well, good picks. I like the omission of Narset, seems like a conscious choice to keep the deck fair and fun. I don't have too many recs, stuff that comes to mind would be Earthcraft but it's pretty expensive. And Purph but I'm sure you've thought about him. +1

wallisface on Why is Untapping Lands a …

6 months ago

legendofa I have an issue with you contesting my statement of "a large portion of those cards are extremely old" and then deciding yourself what the goalposts should be for my own statement. I never said that only old-bordered cards are old... the current "new" border has still been in use for a ridiculous quantity of time, and the colour pie has shifted numerous times since its creation. For me, anything that was printed 10+ years ago, fits into the "extremely old" category... so if you're going to pull me-up on what's old-or-new, that is the yardstick i'm measuring.

Now, ordering cards by how old they actually are (instead of arbitrary card-frames) yields the following (using only the cards you've already listed):

1993 (31 years ago): Ley Druid

1995 (29 years ago): Juniper Order Druid

1996 (28 years ago): Nature's Chosen, Emerald Charm

1997 (27 years ago): Elder Druid, Earthcraft, Llanowar Druid

1998 (26 years ago): Awakening, Argothian Elder

1999 (25 years ago): Early Harvest

2002 (22 years ago): Krosan Restorer

2004 (20 years ago): Rude Awakening, Nature's Will

2005 (19 years ago): Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Seedborn Muse, Patron of the Orochi

2006 (18 years ago): Magus of the Candelabra

2007 (17 years ago): Woodland Guidance

2009 (15 years ago): Garruk Wildspeaker

2010 (14 years ago): Bear Umbra

2012 (12 years ago): Arbor Elf, Urban Burgeoning

2013 (11 years ago): Voyaging Satyr

2014 (10 years ago): Nissa, Worldwaker

2017 (7 years ago): Initiate's Companion, Hope Tender, Nissa, Genesis Mage, Blossom Dryad

2018 (6 years ago): Ley Weaver, Cacophodon

2019 (5 years ago): Wilderness Reclamation, Rime Tender

2021 (3 years ago): Sculptor of Winter, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip

2022 (2 years ago): Likeness of the Seeker  Flip, Civic Gardener

2023 (last year): Rustvine Cultivator, Portent Tracker

2024 (this year): Innocuous Researcher

Using the above data, the below rant is in defense of my claim "From what i’m seeing, the general trend is that this effect used to be quite prominent in green but something that’s slowly being phased out/down for green over time", which may have been the other thing you were contesting??

Now, at face value this paints a picture that indicates an-eb-and-flow of constant printings of green-land-untap effects, perhaps even slightly favoring those printings in the more recent years. HOWEVER - this does not take into account the actual percentage of cards printed in any given year.

For example, in 1996 2 cards exist in our category, BUT only 468 new cards were printed that year. 2022 also has 2 cards in our category printed, but also had 2004 new cards printed into it, meaning those 2 cards represented a significantly lower percentage of what green represented that year.

With Wotc printing an increasingly large quantity of cards every year, this effect has been getting an increasingly lower-percentage-share of cards given to it. The one anomaly I see is 2017, where 4 cards were printed in a year that made 861 new cards, making it about on-par with our beforementioned 1996 example.

legendofa on Why is Untapping Lands a …

6 months ago

wallisface I'm still going to contest that. Scryfall search comes up with 45 mono-green cards with the words "untap" and "land". Ignoring stuff like Blizzard and Chokefoil, there are nine cards in that group with ye olde bordere that untap lands, seven with the Modern border, and fourteen with the 2015 border, skipping those whose primary purpose is to turn lands into creatures like Wakeroot Elemental. Two of them are legal in Standard, and thirteen--about a third of the total, and more than ye olde bordere--are legal in Pioneer. I'm not seeing the dropoff for land untapping in green.

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "land": Ley Druid, Elder Druid, Juniper Order Druid, Nature's Chosen, Early Harvest, Earthcraft, Awakening, Argothian Elder, Krosan Restorer. total 9

Modern Border, "untap" + "land": Rude Awakening, Nature's Will, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Magus of the Candelabra, Garruk Wildspeaker, Bear Umbra, Urban Burgeoning, Voyaging Satyr. total 8

2015 Border, "untap" + "land": Nissa, Worldwaker, Initiate's Companion, Hope Tender, Nissa, Genesis Mage, Blossom Dryad, Ley Weaver, Wilderness Reclamation, Sculptor of Winter, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Likeness of the Seeker  Flip, Civic Gardener, Rustvine Cultivator, Portent Tracker, Innocuous Researcher. total 14

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "permanent": Emerald Charm, Seedborn Muse. total 2

Modern Border, "untap" + "permanent": none.

2015 Border, "untap" + "permanent": Cacophodon, Rime Tender, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip. total 3

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "Forest": Llanowar Druid. total 1

Modern Border, "untap" + "Forest": Patron of the Orochi, Woodland Guidance, Arbor Elf. total 3

2015 Border, "untap" + "Forest": none.

So there's 39 green cards that can untap lands in some capacity, with 34 of those being more or less land-specific. Again, these counts ignore cards that untap lands by turning lands into creatures, focusing only on those whose main function is the untap. It also ignores Un-cards.

Analysis of blue to follow.

wallisface on Why is Untapping Lands a …

6 months ago

legendofa the extremely old cards i’m seeing are stuff like Argothian Elder, Awakening, Early Harvest, Earthcraft, Elder Druid, Juniper Order Druid, and Nature's Chosen.

From what i’m seeing, the general trend is that this effect used to be quite prominent in green but something that’s slowly being phased out/down for green over time.

sdidonato on Vhati il-Dal Old School Commander!

6 months ago

Came here to say I love the deck! With the combo of Squirrel Nest + Earthcraft + Overwhelming Forces and with the addition of Howling Mine and other draw effects, it seems like adding Multani, Maro-Sorcerer

BlueTorche on !!! Chatterfang and the hungry Crew !!!

7 months ago

In my personal decklist (Chatterfang Casual EDH), I have 3 win cons :

  • Lifedrain (with Bastion of Remembrance, Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist), which is the most reliable one, as it usually kills all my opponents at once. With Chattefang, it's easy to reach 20+ drains, which is huge in late game.

  • Big tokens (with cards like Creakwood Liege, Return of the Wildspeaker, Craterhoof Behemoth (more expensive this one)), which can easily kill your opponent if you have 10+ squirrel on the battlefield. Garruk, Cursed Huntsman isn't a bad addition in the deck, but I think it's a bit "slow", as it will need at least 1 full turn of table before having the emblem. Your opponents will usually focus it and kill it during this time.

  • Commander Damage, it doesn't happen often (to be honest, I never killed someone with commander damage in more than 20 games). But it is useful if you play against a lifegain deck or a stax deck. Commander damage can easily be done when you buff all your squirrels (including Chatterfang), and you can also sacrifice X squirrels to give +X/-X to Chatterfang. It's also why I suggested Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, which make your commander unblockable (and is a good land anyway). The BLB card The Odd Acorn Gang you put in the deck also helps this win condition.

Additionally, Pitiless Plunderer and Warren Soultrader are cards that wins you the game always all the time you'll play it with Chatterfang, as they'll give you almost-infinite mana and ETB/LTB trigger.

Another win condition would be to add Ivy Lane Denizen, which combo with Scurry Oak and give you an infinite/infinite creature and infinite 1/1 squirrels. You may need to add some creature tutor to get both of the cards at the same time (I would suggest Chord of Calling, Dig Up, Diabolic Tutor and Fauna Shaman as buget card. You may also add more expensive card like Vampiric Tutor or Demonic Tutor).

As you say, with the new BLB card, it may exist other win conditions, which can involve food token.

I think you shouldn't focus on one particular win condition. Having more than one way to win can make your deck more reliable (that is my opinion, it may not be true). However, focusing on 1 or 2 win conditions will help you cut some card and having a better deck (it's a question of perfectly balance, as all think should be).

I will also suggest you Acorn Harvest which give you squirrel (not a very strong card, but for 6 mana it creates you 4 squirrels (8 with Chatterfang), not bad).

As cut suggestions, I would suggest Acorn Catapult (which I find very expensive, just to create 1 Squirrel by turn), Cloakwood Hermit (as it need "creature card" put in your graveyard. However, token aren't cards (rule 111.6. A token is subject to anything that affects permanents in general or that affects the token’s card type or subtype. A token isn’t a card) so it doesn't work (I thought about this card when a friend suggests it to me, I was disappointed to learn this rule :( )) and Squirrel Mob (on paper, the card seems good in the deck, but fill the board with tokens is better than having a big creature that will be blocked by anything). I also find Squirrel Sanctuary a bit slow (but it combos with Earthcraft, which I don't have because of its price, but make Squirrel Sanctuary strong). Wrap in Vigor is literally a Golgari Charm in less good (its only advantage is that is cost instead of ). Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also a card I find a bit slow. I bought it for my deck, but it never convinced me, and I would prefer Driven / Despair to it, which can also help you win, or other draw cards (Village Rites, Plumb the Forbidden...). Finally, Putrefy is not the most relevant card in the deck, as you already have a lot of Artifact/Enchantment removal, and Chatterfang is a creature removal. You may prefer Nature's Claim or Maelstrom Pulse as removal, or add more token synergy card (you can also add Crack Open, which is similar to Pest Infestation in the deck (I need to buy Pest Infestation, it seems incredible in a Chatterfang deck))

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