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Crystal Vein

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crystal Vein


: Add to your mana pool.

, Sacrifice Crystal Vein: Add to your mana pool.

Nicolbolas1990 on Commander think tank

7 months ago

My default commander is muldratha and inturn I've collected tons of graveyard/etb/recursion effects to compliment. From Time Sieve with several enablers Pentavus Myr Battlesphere Thopter Assembly Encroaching Mycosynth & Unctus, Grand Metatect, Horseshoe Crab, Paradise Mantle, Viridian Longbow but I'd include combos like gitrog and Dakmor Salvage because they enable strong combos and can work in combination with other peices like Crystal Vein or Dryad Arbor . Slime foot was also one of my original homebrew ing commander's finding a handful of cheeky combos that allowed him to swing well above his projected power level as well being a utility peice for mid and drawn out games. Plus has become a wincon on its own on occasion. Beledros is listed mainly cause of his ability would just make him a automatic solid choice.

Babian on Marrow-Gnawer White Border Only

7 months ago

Nice deck! Great to see that you also enjoy the challenge of building a Commander deck with only white-bordered cards. The early editions offer some really good ramp and draw pieces. In fact, there are two of the strongest ramp and draw cards in the whole format available white-bordered and would fit very well in your deck:

Other, less impactful, suggestions would be Strip Mine from the Fourth Edition and Crystal Vein from the Sixth Edition.

With my white border only Rubinia Soulsinger deck I follow a copy and steal strategy, which scales nicely with the decks of the opponents. You can check out my approach here if you like:

Azoth2099 on Miracle Wizard | You shall not pass! (LOTR Theme)

1 year ago


Yeah man, dialing in the landbase is so crucial for consistency, it can't be overstated. Personally, I try to keep the curve on my decks below 2.00 if I can manage it, which allows me to cut down to 30 lands and retain speed along with ~10 mana rocks and perhaps a few rituals depending on the build. Your build's got plenty of rocks, don't be afraid to cut down a bit as you switch things up.

Here's all the applicable lands within the color combo. Even upon refinement, I'd imagine that your deck will include a few that come in tapped under specific conditions like Spirebluff Canal & Training Center, but that's fine. Just be discerning as to how often they'll realistically come on untapped (quite often).

I'd obviously also recommend the 5-color lands like Mana Confluence & City of Brass if you can afford them or are willing to proxy them. Cheaper options like Command Tower, Spire of Industry & Gemstone Mine, Forbidden Orchard & Exotic Orchard aren't to be forgotten either.

The only colorless lands I'd consider on a budget are Crystal Vein & Emergence Zone. If budget/proxy constraints aren't an issue, I'd also consider Ancient Tomb, City of Traitors & Boseiju, Who Shelters All.

Also give Mystical Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble a shot for sure. They just got reprinted, they're super cheap right now! Speaking of sick reprints, Sapphire Medallion, Ruby Medallion, Pearl Medallion & Smothering Tithe have all seen big price drops lately. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, ya know...

Lastly, I'd recommend testing out fellow all-stars Elsha of the Infinite since you're running Sensei's Divining Top so heavily & Kykar, Wind's Fury, which can be utilized as both a wincon & and absurd value engine here with what you've already got going on.

Azoth2099 on The Iron Giant

1 year ago

Have you considered Emergence Zone, Crystal Vein, City of Traitors or Urza's Saga for your land base? A few Tutors and choice card draw pieces like Ring of Three Wishes, The One Ring, Planar Bridge, Planar Portal & Citanul Flute could help you quickly outvalue your opponents with your Commander's ability, as could Ramp pieces like Ashnod's Altar & Doubling Cube. Portal to Phyrexia & Grimoire of the Dead could potentially win some games here as well, depending on the pod!

thesilentpyro on Korvold - Treasures Without Borders

1 year ago

With the resurgence of the lands theme in the deck, I feel like I want one or two more utility lands. Options:

  • Crystal Vein
    Extra land drops + Crucible effects is a situation that the deck may get into pretty often.

  • Wasteland
    Strip Mine backup. Never not good.

  • Thespian's Stage
    Not as good as Thespian's Stage, but that doesn't make it bad.

  • Dryad Arbor
    Fetchable creature that can be sac'd to creature outlets and used with creature recursion.

  • Blast Zone
    Removal, albeit slow.

  • Cabal Pit/Barbarian Ring
    Creature removal. Random burn to the face with Ring if you have spare mana and land drops with nothing else to do with them.

  • Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld
    Token maker, feeds recursion. But it's very slow and the ETB untap condition isn't reliable. It makes me consider Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld so I can tutor for one when I have the other (and Titania's lifegain on its own isn't the worst either), but that's probably too many slots for an unreliable effect. The meld not happening until your own upkeep sucks too.

  • Tranquil Thicket/Barren Moor
    Go nuts with Loam, turn Wrenn and Six into a draw engine.

  • Kessig Wolf Run
    Wincon on a land. Though Korvold usually grows quickly enough on his own to do the job.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

2 years ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



SufferFromEDHD on Esika Ad Nauseam Gate Win

2 years ago

It's an instant, cost 1 and puts your win condition directly into play... What more does it need to do... Give you a handjob? Haha agree to disagree.

Expedition Map Fits under Saga, keeps your CMC low and finds your win condition.

Scavenger Grounds graveyard removal is as clutch as the two Channel lands you added.

Crystal Vein over Temple of the False God or both?

I'm just spitballing. I really like this concept. Keep thinking outside the box.

Stardragon on Colorless Support Over 40 of …

2 years ago

Grubbernaut I knew Lunar necklace was going to be a problem i just knew almost did make it may need to delete it rather than rework it, Ashlands is meant to be that goof since shock lands are good it meant to the colorless version of those. Moonstone was debating on add suspend or not. to answer your examples Ancient Tomb is good though expensive, other than being old it don't see much reason to use City of Traitors as it will either have to the last land you play or a one turn ritual basically. Crystal Vein is good not tomb good but decent though again you have to blow it for fast mana. The Moxes are expensive and not every can have that deep of pockets a style should be locked out due to not being rich. Monolith are werid that do give fast mana but only every other turn and not a net gain i never got the love for them.

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